Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Driving status

After just over 3 total months with CFI/Con-Way truckload, Kim thought we should post our thoughts on how things are going.
During our training time, we were dispatched as a solo operation, meaning we had a max of 11hrs driving time, and a requirement of 10hrs off between driving periods. Notice I did not say days.
When we started team driving, it was a total different world that we were not really ready for. Between being sick when we started, and not getting enough rest because we could not sleep more than 30min to 2hrs (if we were lucky) in the bunk. Even during that, anytime the driver slowed down, downshifted, etc, the other in the bunk was up to check on things.
By the time we ran a couple of weeks we were wiped out, but at least getting past our illness. We did not have a regular schedule and that hurt. We didn't know who was driving when. That made planning for sleep, etc a little hard to get a handle on. We asked for some time between runs once, but was told if we had time available, we had to run. We did not want to tell them we were sick, and come off as whiners.
Then came some down time during Christmas. We started out from there with a plan, Kim would drive noon to midnite, or whatever was needed during that time frame, and I would drive the opposite. At least it let us plan some. We also started to get some better sleep on the truck.
Then the day came that my Mom was in the hospital and not doing well. We got sent to Yuma and had some more time off. We stayed with Mom during all different shifts so it actually helped keep us on a non-routine day. Unfortunately, we lost Mom a week and a half later. We went back on the road till it was time for the Memorial service (about a week) and again, felt we had a little better handle on the schedule.
Since then we are now able to sleep 4-6hrs in the bunk. It is not always un-interrupted, but we are sleeping better on the road. That allows us to keep the truck rolling more hours. Originally, we were driving hard and spending any extra time on our run trying to sleep with the truck parked for a couple of hours during the run without cutting ourselves short on time to get to our destination. Now we are able to keep it rolling to our destination, and take a little more time enroute to stop and eat together, or relax at a nice rest area for a few minutes and not feel so rushed. We also have been able to get some more rest lately at origins, between dispatches, not too long, but it helps.
So for summary, we are adapting, and the job is getting a little easier. The shifting is smoother and more natural now. We are more confident in our ability to control the truck in the mountains now. We are also not so scared about the customers location and docking area. Backing is getting better, tho I still have to do pull ups and once in a while just start over. It's no different than what others do I have noticed, so I don't feel so bad. Kim leaves the backing to me for the most part. She does it once in a while in nice big drop yard.
We still have a ways to go to get to the comfortable point where we really enjoy it, but we're learning. We promised to give it a year. I think it will take a good 6mo to start getting comfortable.
It's not all a struggle however, we really enjoy out time together, and conversations never stop. We do make a good team, even thru the rough times.
Till next time, keep it safe out there.
BTW, we are sitting at a T/A in Ontario, Ca waiting to go to a Conway yard around 10pm. We have a 4am dispatch to Denver. After that its home to SLC.


tryintogetit said...

Come by and eat Frankie's food if you're in town Friday!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your Mom, I just started reading your blog. The sleep will get easier. Just stay on schedule. But never EVER worry about whether you will be perceived as whiners for saying you are too tired! If you are tired. SHUT DOWN! PERIOD! I can't stress that enough! Good luck and stay safe! World!