When we are running good miles, it gets difficult to update the blog. I will have to try to get better at this, I keep getting yelled at! :)
From Phoenix we deadheaded to Sante Fe Springs, Ca, right in the middle of LA! Got there nice and early (4:30pm or so) and fixed dinner. Had abit of a suprise there as well. We dropped our empty trailer and went over to the bobtail parking area for the night. I backed into the slot, and looked over at the truck next to us. All the CFI/Conway trucks have a number and it is listed on the front bumper area. The truck next to us was 23242,,,,hmmm that number sounded familiar,,,WAIT, that was my training truck, and the truck Kim and I spent the first month in! WOW, was kinda cool to run into it. There was a team driving it now, to Ladies, one a little older with some experience, and one younger apparently pretty new. Hope they enjoy it!
About midnite we got a "load cancelled" notice. We were to go to Aurora, Ill. Got back on the board, and at 4am got a deadhead to Fontana, CA for a pick-up for Henderson, Co (Denver). Rushed our butts the hour drive over there to find out the load was not ready for another hour, even tho we were told it had a 4am pick-up. No problem, we waited, and got the dispatch to Denver. This day just seemed out of whack for us.. Guess it was because of all the changes. Had a good trip to Denver, nice weather,, no problems going over Vail and Eisenhower passes on I-70. That area can a booger-bear in the winter.
We got a pre-plan on the way to go to Richfield, UT for a relay. Meet a solo driver, and bring the trlr back to Henderson. Then the next morning we had another dispatch from Henderson to Fontana, Ca. HMMM , I think I know the way! We feel abit like the yo-yo, bouncing back and forth from Fontana, to Denver, half way back to Ca, then Denver, back to Cali! At least the weather has held out and it has been a gorgeous drive along I-70.
Got into Fontana last nite about 8pm local and had a 4am pick-up this morning for Butte, Montana. Dispatch told us to check in about 2:45 if we wanted to try to leave early. We did, and got out of there about 3:30. Should be in Butte about 10pm local tonite. These have all been ConWay runs, from terminal to terminal. Sounds like the Butte terminal is not very big, and we mite be stuck there for a little while. Will let you know the next chapter when it happens!
Keep it safe out there
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