Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nice weekend, now get back to work! :)

Well, we had a good weekend off. At least part of the weekend. I enjoyed teaching the motorcycle course, tho my legs and feet were complaining a little because they haven't been used like that in awhile.
Got back into the routine Tues. morn, and picked up our trailer at about 6:30. Headed out and had great weather till Kim took over (imagine that!) in Nebraska. Rained all the way to our rest stop just past Council Bluffs. Got up this morning to more rain. UCK. Finally after we got past Des Moines, it cleared up and has been a nice day.
We dropped the trailer in Aurora, then beat feet over to Gary and dropped our empty. We had been notified last week that our truck was due a service and oil change. We made our way over to the Speedco next to the Pilot here in Gary. An hour an a half later, we had a "fresh" truck. Oil change, lubed, new wipers, good to go again.
We are sitting at the Gary yard now, waiting on dinner to cook in the "lunchbox" oven, then it will be an early nite. 3:30am rolls around too quickly sometimes.
We hope all of you had a great Memorial Day weekend, and paid tribute to all the fallen heros.
2 members of my class were wives from the Patriot Guard Riders. It is an organization whose soul purpose is to honor those who defend our freedom. Check them out on the web. Great group of people nationwide.


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