Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of our family and friends. We hope the new year will be safe and prosporous for everyone. We also hope you are able to make some of those dreams come true this year!
We had a nice holiday. We got our load from Syracuse Ny to Superior Wi, then deadhead to Ironwood Mi to spend Christmas with Kim's Mom and stepdad. I think the name of the town should be changed to WHITEwood or something. Toooo much snow and cold for me! There were piles in the parking lot where we parked the tractor and trailer as high as the trailer!
When we were scheduled to hit the road again, we got to the truck and sent in our status and waited for our next load. After about an hour, the Qualcomm chirped and we got our marching orders. Cudahy, Wi and Champain,Il for loads then to Laredo,Tx. Hey wait, look at those dates! This was Sat, the 29th, and we didn't have to be in Cudahy until Monday at noon. HMMMMM,,,Kim's Dad and step Mom are in Sheboygan, which is right on the way to Milwaukee, and Cudahy. Soooo,,,,we got to spend a day and half visiting them.
Monday morning we headed down to Cudahy, which is near the airport in Milwaukee, and got all of 2100lbs there. Still feels like an empty trailer. From there, we head the 233mi to Champain,getting there about 3pm for our 5pm appt. This place has NO activity in the shipping area,,,,,so I go up to the door, and ring the buzzer,,and again,,,,no reply. We call the contact numbers given to us and it goes straight to voicemail. Hmmm,,this place is closed today! We call our dispatch, they make a few calls, and eventually tell us to head on to Laredo. Wow, a load of 2100lbs of elec contactors in the nose of the trailer. Should get good fuel mileage for this trip!
We made it to just outside of Springfield,Mo and shut down for the night. CFI recommended we shut down between 10pm and 6am if possible due to the accident prone time of New Years eve parties. We had quite abit of extra time built into this dispatch due to the holiday. We are due in Laredo by 9am Wed morn.
We are now headed down the turnpike between Joplin and Tulsa. Nice to get out of all the white stuff up north, and some warmer temps.....well hopefully later it will. I just looked over and the readout says 21 degrees now.
Well,,as we make our way SOUTH, :) here's wishing all of you a great New Year to come!

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