Been a couple of days since our last post, and things changed a little. Wed morning, Dad called at 6am just as I was about to get us over to FSI. He infomed me that Tina, my sis-in-law, had passed away at 2am. We were going to head to Beatrice, Neb to visit my aunt, but changed plans to just go pick her up and head on down to Okla to be with my brother and the family. We won't get to visit Arnie (Kim's bro) and family in KC Mo, but we need to be here.
So we are sitting in Jenks, Okla, at my brother's house until Sunday. Funeral is tomorrow (Saturday) at 10:30am. Tina was about 6 mo older than me, but had diabeties, had a heart attact a few years back, and a stroke on Mothers day. She has not had much quality of life since. I feel bad for Mark, she was too young to go, but is no longer in pain. Mark is totally worn out from the total care of her.
As we were leaving town Wed morning, it was really quite appropriate, we saw one of the Sage trucks with a student headed the other way! Shortly after, Dan called to wish us safe travels. Really appreciate them, good group, will miss them, but looking forward to going back and visiting them with our truck when we start driving.
We spent Wed nite in a truck stop in Ogallala, Neb, and Thurs went on to Beatrice. Picked up Aunt Willie about 11am, and got to Jenks about 6:15pm.
I checked gas mileage this time for the first time really with this motorhome. We were only running about 65-70mph and got 7.9mpg. I guess thats really good for this Detroit 6V92 engine, with the trailer and 2 bikes as well. Of course the fuel prices had to take a jump this week.
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