Where did I leave off? oh yea, New Jersey. Uck! What a story. Traffic wasn't too bad, but there is something to be said with preplanning. We have been using our GPS to get us to our destinations. It is a Garmin GPS and does have a trucker profile. So far, it has been pretty good getting us around.
Well,,,now the fun begins. We are coming into Newar about 11pm. The GPS says exit at one exit, the computer with Copilot (another mapping program and GPS) says exit one earlier. HMMMM,,,which one is right? Steve takes the first one. As soon as I hit the ramp, UH OH! There a big sign at the bottom the ramp with an arrow pointing to the riht (the direction I need to go), with some numbers that don't look so good. 11ft clearance! (by the way, for all the none trucker people, big trucks require 13'6"). After I get stopped, and figure out I am not backing up all the way to the Highway, I do manage to back up enough to make a left turn, and hope it works out. Now my stomach is going, making it worse. That Subway sandwich I had earlier is not setting well, and there is not much time left. Thank god the street is wide, and there some area to pull over on the side. I immediately head for the sleeper and the porta potty while Kim watches over us and tries to figure out where we are going. I start discussing it with her,,,,or trying to, its mostly a one way discussion. She starts yelling, "get off the pot and get up here, there are people around, guys starting to walk this direction,,,,I am locking the doors,,I don't like this neighborhood,,I am putting down the computer,,,nope,,nothing in here worth looking at,,,,STEEEVEE!!!"
Finally done with my business, and back at the helm, I start heading where Lola directs us. We wonder thru downtown Newark, and finally head out toward the airport area. WHEW,,,now we are getting somewhere. The streets here bend around, and around, and around,,,I kept thinking I saw the back of my trailer. FINALLY, made it to Conway New Jersey with about 30 min to spare. Too close!
After that fiasco, we find an empty, and eventually make our way outta hell,,I mean Newark, and head up to Syracuse, NY for our next load in the morning.
This would have to be a top secret load to Wisc or we would have half of Wisc and relative mauling us when we got in the area. (shhhhh,,,its a load of BEER,,41,000lbs of beer!)
We made our beer delivery to Superior Wisc on Monday morning. A nice two days to get there, so it was a nice trip. After we headed to Ironwood, Mi, and Kim's mom and step dad.
Only problem here is its ALL white. There are drifts and piles about as deep as the truck. I think next year, Christmas should be in the Bahamas or somewhere WARM.
We got here Monday afternoon, and will stay until Sat morning. I think I have some work to do here to earn our keep here. Marsha is a Chiropractor here and just bought house to move into and set up a new office. They have moved the living part, but the office is next.
Kim and I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a wonderful holiday season. We hope you get to do whatever it is you enjoy and be with those that mean the most to you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
Steve and Kim, AKA Roadie and Wingz.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Christmas is coming,,,I think
Well, from the Hallmark card warehouse, we were sent to a Conway yard in KC, MO. Conway is a LARGE freight company that bought CFI somewhere around Oct. One division, the truckload, is being folded into CFI, and after the first of the year we will all be Conway.
Anyway, we were given a 4am pick up headed to Conway in Blythe Ca. another apprx 1350mi before 1am the next day. We got there about 11pm, whew, time to spare, but tired. Slept some, and had a 4am pick-up headed back to E. St Louis. 1657mi, by 2pm the next day for a relay at a Pilot truckstop. That means the trailer is going on somewhere, and we just meet another truck, un-hook, switch trailers, and he is gone. We waited for another dispatch. We actually was going to ask for a down day, but got a dispatch as soon as we sent in notice we had made the relay. It was for another 0400 at the Conway facility in St. Louis. We did manage a couple of loads of clothes then headed over to the facility, and dropped the trailer we had, and got some sleep till our 4am call. This one is headed to Conway in Newark, NJ. Looks like we are stuck running Conway runs. They are notorious about tight schedules. We had hoped to start heading in the direction of Wisc, but NOOOOO,,too soon I guess. Anyway we have to be there by 12:30am tomorrow. Its a short run, only 954 mi. No Iron Butts on this one, lol.
I drove the first 4hrs, then Kim took over on this one. I am right at minimums on time avail, and Kim has some. So after she drives 10hrs, giving me my break, I will drive the rest of the way. Besides, I get to take us into the New Jersey area tonite. That should be interesting.
While typing this, our Qualcomm chirped a couple of times, and when I looked, we had a pre-planned trip after we drop this load. We get to deadhead over to Baldwins, NY, which is on the south side of Long Island, then head to Superior, Wisc. FINALLY, headed where Christmas is supposed to be this year. An 0700 delivery on the 24th, means we should be in Ironwood that afternoon at the latest.
I think Christmas, AND a couple of days off are just around the corner now.
Anyway, we were given a 4am pick up headed to Conway in Blythe Ca. another apprx 1350mi before 1am the next day. We got there about 11pm, whew, time to spare, but tired. Slept some, and had a 4am pick-up headed back to E. St Louis. 1657mi, by 2pm the next day for a relay at a Pilot truckstop. That means the trailer is going on somewhere, and we just meet another truck, un-hook, switch trailers, and he is gone. We waited for another dispatch. We actually was going to ask for a down day, but got a dispatch as soon as we sent in notice we had made the relay. It was for another 0400 at the Conway facility in St. Louis. We did manage a couple of loads of clothes then headed over to the facility, and dropped the trailer we had, and got some sleep till our 4am call. This one is headed to Conway in Newark, NJ. Looks like we are stuck running Conway runs. They are notorious about tight schedules. We had hoped to start heading in the direction of Wisc, but NOOOOO,,too soon I guess. Anyway we have to be there by 12:30am tomorrow. Its a short run, only 954 mi. No Iron Butts on this one, lol.
I drove the first 4hrs, then Kim took over on this one. I am right at minimums on time avail, and Kim has some. So after she drives 10hrs, giving me my break, I will drive the rest of the way. Besides, I get to take us into the New Jersey area tonite. That should be interesting.
While typing this, our Qualcomm chirped a couple of times, and when I looked, we had a pre-planned trip after we drop this load. We get to deadhead over to Baldwins, NY, which is on the south side of Long Island, then head to Superior, Wisc. FINALLY, headed where Christmas is supposed to be this year. An 0700 delivery on the 24th, means we should be in Ironwood that afternoon at the latest.
I think Christmas, AND a couple of days off are just around the corner now.
Monday, December 17, 2007
WHEW, an update
WHEW! Well, let me try to do an overview to update a little. I updated this once when I had a chance, but it must've gone into the black hole because it never published it here!
Joplin had an ICE STORM all weekend we were there. Monday we finally got the truck loaded with our stuff, and waffled some about getting a load out, but finally decided to go. If it gets worse out there, we'll just shut down.
We got a heavy load of copper to Du Quoin,Illinois, near St Louis for the first run, an easy 360mi run for next morning delivery. From there we were deadheaded up to Bolingbrook, Ill, a Chicago burb. We got loaded there with auto/truck parts with 3 deliveries in Tacoma, Wash, a 2017mi run in a day and a half. Welcome to team driving! We made it in plenty of time to spare, but wore out. This will take some getting used to sleeping while the truck is moving, and also sleeping at different times of day. From there we deadheaded down to Portland, Or for a load of printer cartridges to El Paso, Tx, total was another 1850mi apprx. At least we will get some warmer weather! One of the challenges of this run is a famous pass in Oregon on I-84, "Cabbage". It was a looooong pull going up it headed east. Would have been really challenging headed the other direction and fully loaded! During this run, we were able to stop in Salt Lake City, get our mail, and visit with our son and future daughter-in-law for an hour. Was nice to see them and touch home base, even for a short min.
At El Paso, we were on the board for our next load, so decided to bobtail up to the truck stop a couple miles away. El Paso is a drop yard that CFI uses, and there were alot of trucks and trailers there. We were able to get a shower and had planned to come back later and try to get laundry, but,,,,,,the famous Qualcomm chirp, and we had a load. During our trips so far, we have managed to get a shower at least every other day out.
From El Paso, we were given a load of Hallmark card to deliver to Lawrence, Ks Hallmark warehouse. So remember, next time you pick up a card for your loved one, we may have had a hand in getting it to you!! :)
As of right now, we are sitting in the lot at Hallmark, waiting for our next adventure.
Some of the ups and downs of this so far.
Sleeping! We have not been very good about setting a schedule for ourselves and sticking to it. I have hooked up, and start out, and continue till my log runs out of time, or I run out, whichever comes last :)
On the up side, so far when we have delivered, we have had enough time to get some sleep and catch up before our next dispatch.
Eating: We get to eat about one meal a day, and snack out of the truck while driving the rest of the time. We have a microwave so that help. We also have a coffee maker, and Kim makes a mean pot of coffee on the road for me!
Bathroom breaks: The first part of the travels was a little harder to get those in. Now we have a porta potti, so that makes life a LOT more convienent for us, tho, the privacy thing is a little lacking.
I don't know how truckers did this in the past. We are able to get on-line and pay bills, use the cell phone and keep in touch when we want, etc. We also have a GPS that is pretty good about giving directions right to the customer. Tho when you go a different direction than what it has planned, "Lola" gets a little irritated, and just says "re-calculating" in that irritated female tone! We call her Lola because of the movie "RV".
All in all, so far we are enjoying the adventure and being together. We just need to learn how to work the system a little better for us. It's a steep learning curve, but we'll get there.
Looks like Christmas this year will be with Kim's mom in Ironwood, Mi, JUST across the Wisconsin border in the U.P. This will be the first time with them in 15yrs. Hope she keeps the roads clear for us! Can't believe its only about a week away.
Well, this update has dragged on long enough, good bedtime reading for some!
Till next time, keep safe out there!
Joplin had an ICE STORM all weekend we were there. Monday we finally got the truck loaded with our stuff, and waffled some about getting a load out, but finally decided to go. If it gets worse out there, we'll just shut down.
We got a heavy load of copper to Du Quoin,Illinois, near St Louis for the first run, an easy 360mi run for next morning delivery. From there we were deadheaded up to Bolingbrook, Ill, a Chicago burb. We got loaded there with auto/truck parts with 3 deliveries in Tacoma, Wash, a 2017mi run in a day and a half. Welcome to team driving! We made it in plenty of time to spare, but wore out. This will take some getting used to sleeping while the truck is moving, and also sleeping at different times of day. From there we deadheaded down to Portland, Or for a load of printer cartridges to El Paso, Tx, total was another 1850mi apprx. At least we will get some warmer weather! One of the challenges of this run is a famous pass in Oregon on I-84, "Cabbage". It was a looooong pull going up it headed east. Would have been really challenging headed the other direction and fully loaded! During this run, we were able to stop in Salt Lake City, get our mail, and visit with our son and future daughter-in-law for an hour. Was nice to see them and touch home base, even for a short min.
At El Paso, we were on the board for our next load, so decided to bobtail up to the truck stop a couple miles away. El Paso is a drop yard that CFI uses, and there were alot of trucks and trailers there. We were able to get a shower and had planned to come back later and try to get laundry, but,,,,,,the famous Qualcomm chirp, and we had a load. During our trips so far, we have managed to get a shower at least every other day out.
From El Paso, we were given a load of Hallmark card to deliver to Lawrence, Ks Hallmark warehouse. So remember, next time you pick up a card for your loved one, we may have had a hand in getting it to you!! :)
As of right now, we are sitting in the lot at Hallmark, waiting for our next adventure.
Some of the ups and downs of this so far.
Sleeping! We have not been very good about setting a schedule for ourselves and sticking to it. I have hooked up, and start out, and continue till my log runs out of time, or I run out, whichever comes last :)
On the up side, so far when we have delivered, we have had enough time to get some sleep and catch up before our next dispatch.
Eating: We get to eat about one meal a day, and snack out of the truck while driving the rest of the time. We have a microwave so that help. We also have a coffee maker, and Kim makes a mean pot of coffee on the road for me!
Bathroom breaks: The first part of the travels was a little harder to get those in. Now we have a porta potti, so that makes life a LOT more convienent for us, tho, the privacy thing is a little lacking.
I don't know how truckers did this in the past. We are able to get on-line and pay bills, use the cell phone and keep in touch when we want, etc. We also have a GPS that is pretty good about giving directions right to the customer. Tho when you go a different direction than what it has planned, "Lola" gets a little irritated, and just says "re-calculating" in that irritated female tone! We call her Lola because of the movie "RV".
All in all, so far we are enjoying the adventure and being together. We just need to learn how to work the system a little better for us. It's a steep learning curve, but we'll get there.
Looks like Christmas this year will be with Kim's mom in Ironwood, Mi, JUST across the Wisconsin border in the U.P. This will be the first time with them in 15yrs. Hope she keeps the roads clear for us! Can't believe its only about a week away.
Well, this update has dragged on long enough, good bedtime reading for some!
Till next time, keep safe out there!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Due to popular demand, (yes Marsha), I will finally take some time to update the blog! :) I have not had a computer to do so since we got back to Joplin. After our delivery in Dumas, Thurs morn, we waited, and waited, and waited for a dispatch. finally, about 1pm, the Qualcomm chirped. When I read it, I had trouble believing what I saw. Deadhead to Joplin! COOL, Thursday nite, and I'll be there FINALLY. When we pulled in, we had to go thru the inspection building. Our trailer had something wrong, so it had to be dropped in a specific line. The tractor also needs a new shock on the read, a service (oil, filters, etc) so we were told to head up to the maintenance barn. We went inside to make arrangements for Jim to get his new truck, a larger T2000 that is reserved for teams and trainers. We also asked them if I could just stay in Jim's truck, and got that ok'd. We are on the lis for the larger truck and was told anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending,,,,,,,.
So thurs nite, CFI paid for a hotel at the Holiday Inn here in Joplin. They have a shuttle that runs between CFI, the hotel, WalMart, and a couple different areas in Joplin every hour. Kinda nice. Friday morning we went back to CFI and I helped Jim move all his stuff out of OUR truck into his. We waited all day, and checked with Mx again. yup, they were going to pay again for the room for the nite. Sat morn Jim took the shuttle a little before I was ready. He told me his truck was ready, but mine wasnt. He got a run to Okla, Kan and Colo. By the time I got to CFI, had left. I am on my own now, at least till Kim gets here.
She had a rum from Ky to Colorado that was Canx. So they waited another day, and got a run assigned to Tx. I immediately asked them to try to get routed thru joplin. A couple of inquirey's was made to Kims trainer (i assume it was because I was already in Joplin) from Joplin and viola, they were ok'd to head to Joplin.
They had a pickup at midnite, and drove all nite. They rolled into Joplin about 2pm. FINALLY we are together for more than just a lunch!
We got her stuff moved into OUR truck, and checked on status again. Nope, MITE get in the shop tonite, but they ok'd another nite in the hotel. Kim and I took the shuttle here, the walked across the parking lot to an Outback resturant for nice dinner. We deserved it!
So tomorrow starts our time together. We still need to go shopping for a microwave, and tv, and some other items like a cb, etc, but we should be on the road together shortly! Kinda scarey, kinda exciting, and kinda WHEW, we made it!
So thurs nite, CFI paid for a hotel at the Holiday Inn here in Joplin. They have a shuttle that runs between CFI, the hotel, WalMart, and a couple different areas in Joplin every hour. Kinda nice. Friday morning we went back to CFI and I helped Jim move all his stuff out of OUR truck into his. We waited all day, and checked with Mx again. yup, they were going to pay again for the room for the nite. Sat morn Jim took the shuttle a little before I was ready. He told me his truck was ready, but mine wasnt. He got a run to Okla, Kan and Colo. By the time I got to CFI, had left. I am on my own now, at least till Kim gets here.
She had a rum from Ky to Colorado that was Canx. So they waited another day, and got a run assigned to Tx. I immediately asked them to try to get routed thru joplin. A couple of inquirey's was made to Kims trainer (i assume it was because I was already in Joplin) from Joplin and viola, they were ok'd to head to Joplin.
They had a pickup at midnite, and drove all nite. They rolled into Joplin about 2pm. FINALLY we are together for more than just a lunch!
We got her stuff moved into OUR truck, and checked on status again. Nope, MITE get in the shop tonite, but they ok'd another nite in the hotel. Kim and I took the shuttle here, the walked across the parking lot to an Outback resturant for nice dinner. We deserved it!
So tomorrow starts our time together. We still need to go shopping for a microwave, and tv, and some other items like a cb, etc, but we should be on the road together shortly! Kinda scarey, kinda exciting, and kinda WHEW, we made it!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Headed West to JopMo?
After we were unloaded in SC, we went to the truck stop to await our next orders, and wait, and wait, and wait. Finally decided to do a load of laundry about 4pm when it looked like nothing was coming for the day. About 7pm last nite we got the message to deadhead to Beech Island SC, about 15mi away for a 8:00am load. At least we were able to get a reset on our 70hr clock. (max 70hrs in 8 day period, unless there is 34hrs continous off duty, then you get to start back at 0) We left eary and got there about 6:00 and after being sent from one place to another at the huge Kimberly Clark facility, we chased paperwork down, had to find where to park an empty trailer and find our pre loaded full trailer. Finally got out of there about 7:15. A whopping 162mi dispatch to ......Buford Ga! (btw, thats where Kim's load went when we met the other day!) Man, this was tight, between back roads, small towns, construction, and a couple wrongs turns, we were only about 5 min early! TOO CLOSE!
To top it off, its a load of trash! 40,000lbs of paper product for recycle I guess. When we got a new trailer, we just went back to same place where we met Kim the other day, and went to lunch at the mexican resturant. During lunch, I checked dispatch (automated recording by phone) and found out we had been assigned a load already. MAN, when you expect it to be awhile, they disappoint you! :)
We had to deadhead 161mi to Goodwater, Alabama. We are now sitting in the customers parking area. Got here about 4pm and EVERYONE is gone, so we wait till tomorrow. It is actually not scheduled for pickup till noon, but the trailer we are getting appears loaded already, so hopefully we'll be off earlier. Headed to Dumas Arkansas, about 407mi away. When we get there, I will have right at 11,000mi, and still aways to Joplin.
To top it off, its a load of trash! 40,000lbs of paper product for recycle I guess. When we got a new trailer, we just went back to same place where we met Kim the other day, and went to lunch at the mexican resturant. During lunch, I checked dispatch (automated recording by phone) and found out we had been assigned a load already. MAN, when you expect it to be awhile, they disappoint you! :)
We had to deadhead 161mi to Goodwater, Alabama. We are now sitting in the customers parking area. Got here about 4pm and EVERYONE is gone, so we wait till tomorrow. It is actually not scheduled for pickup till noon, but the trailer we are getting appears loaded already, so hopefully we'll be off earlier. Headed to Dumas Arkansas, about 407mi away. When we get there, I will have right at 11,000mi, and still aways to Joplin.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Well, after dropping our trailer last nite, and not finding the empty they said was there, we spent the nite there. We were awakened this morning by the now famous CHIRP of our Qualcomm unit telling us there was a new important message. We were being sent to Pocahontas, Ill (about 30 mi east of St Louis) to pick up a trailer and from there back to South Carolina. My trainer called to make sure the system had a note specifying we needed to get to a truck.
"Yup, its there, and you're confirmed for this load". Oh Well, back to SC!!!
Kim called and told me they were headed to guess where? Pocahontas, Ill!! Only problem was, they wont be there till late tonite, we were only 75mi away. SOOOOOO, we stayed in touch, and got to wave at each other as we passed each other in Kentucky!
I now have 10,350 mi when we get to SC. Don't know where we are going from there. One thing is for sure, if we keep putting miles together like this, her 600mi plus my 700mi today, they are going to pay us pretty good to stay in training status. They pay each of us as solo drivers, which is more than we will make when we are in the same truck teaming, but not by a whole lot.
Bottom line is just when you think you know what the planners are going to do,,,,,forget it, you'll just get confused!
"Yup, its there, and you're confirmed for this load". Oh Well, back to SC!!!
Kim called and told me they were headed to guess where? Pocahontas, Ill!! Only problem was, they wont be there till late tonite, we were only 75mi away. SOOOOOO, we stayed in touch, and got to wave at each other as we passed each other in Kentucky!
I now have 10,350 mi when we get to SC. Don't know where we are going from there. One thing is for sure, if we keep putting miles together like this, her 600mi plus my 700mi today, they are going to pay us pretty good to stay in training status. They pay each of us as solo drivers, which is more than we will make when we are in the same truck teaming, but not by a whole lot.
Bottom line is just when you think you know what the planners are going to do,,,,,forget it, you'll just get confused!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
A meeting!
We dropped our load at Proctor and Gamble this morning about 5:30 and got an empty trailer, and started to head out to Wentzville, Mo. I got to thinking about Kim going to Atlanta, WE are routed to Atlanta, then back up on I75. I called Kim to fink out what part of Atlanta. Buford, on the north edge,,,hmmmm,,,Jim,, think we can go 5 mi outta route? Well, long story short, we coordinated it, and met up about 10 o'clock by a Walmart. MAN, it was good to see her! The 4 of us had lunch at a mexican resturant in the area, and too soon, the visit had to come to an end, and Jim and I had to make our way toward St. Louis, and Wentzville. They were #2 on the waiting list (board) for the region, so they were staying put till given a load. Kim is about 800mi short of her 7500 now, so if they will just route them to Joplin, or something similar, we will both be done. I should be in Joplin about Mon or Tues I think, hopefully kim won't be too far behind.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Go East, then come back
After our delivery to campbell's (V8 juices), we were sent to Lima Oh to pick up at Proctor and Gamble. Got a load of downey dryer sheets (44500lbs worth) headed to South Carolina. Kim has been sent to Atlanta. Today we were both in Virginia, about 175mi apart.
After this delivery in Lugoff, SC, we have been preplanned to go to Greenville SC for a load to Wentzville, Mo. They are finally heading us back toward Joplin to get our truck. Kim's dispatcher told her trainer they need to get them some more miles cause her husband was way ahead of her. DUH!
Looks like we deliver in Wentzville on Monday, then will probably get dispatched a load for Joplin on Tues or so.
Today has been kinda nice. Nice country, Jim and I split the driving so I got to see some of it. This is the heart of Nascar country. Bristol, Charlotte, etc. Many of the drivers also iive in this region, Mooreshed, NC, Kanapolis, NC, Charlotte, etc.
After this delivery in Lugoff, SC, we have been preplanned to go to Greenville SC for a load to Wentzville, Mo. They are finally heading us back toward Joplin to get our truck. Kim's dispatcher told her trainer they need to get them some more miles cause her husband was way ahead of her. DUH!
Looks like we deliver in Wentzville on Monday, then will probably get dispatched a load for Joplin on Tues or so.
Today has been kinda nice. Nice country, Jim and I split the driving so I got to see some of it. This is the heart of Nascar country. Bristol, Charlotte, etc. Many of the drivers also iive in this region, Mooreshed, NC, Kanapolis, NC, Charlotte, etc.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
It's Official
We made our delivery last nite, and got dispatched this morning to Reading Pa. Picking up at a packaging place headed to Campbell's soup in Napoleon, Oh. Kim has already made a drop at this place. I passed my 7500mi mark on the deadhead from NY over here to Reading, so guess it's official now. Kinda wondering if truck might be at the Taylor, Mi terminal, as we will only be about 100 mi from there, it in Detroit area.
We are just sitting at the dock here waiting to get loaded now. Hopefully not as long as Kim had yesterday, about 5hrs for them to get loaded in Fla. Load of water headed to N.Carolina. That will be a heavy load. She is sitting around 5500mi.
I have heard from a few prople that have read the blog, both by comments and on phone. Glad we can share our story, and others enjoy it. Sounds like everyone from friends and family, to students, to other drivers, and hopefuls. Kinda neat, and we enjoy sharing it. We will try to get some more pictures as well, esp when Kim and I get together.
We are just sitting at the dock here waiting to get loaded now. Hopefully not as long as Kim had yesterday, about 5hrs for them to get loaded in Fla. Load of water headed to N.Carolina. That will be a heavy load. She is sitting around 5500mi.
I have heard from a few prople that have read the blog, both by comments and on phone. Glad we can share our story, and others enjoy it. Sounds like everyone from friends and family, to students, to other drivers, and hopefuls. Kinda neat, and we enjoy sharing it. We will try to get some more pictures as well, esp when Kim and I get together.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Made it to Chester NY this afternoon. We will be able to deliver around 7pm tonite. Then we'll see when and where the next dispatch comes. Only problem with a nite delivery is finding another parking place. They are really crowded up here. The TA where we are now had no problem at noon, but now they are starting to fill up.
Its a good feeling to be finishing up my training, but kinda scary at the same time. Can't pull in somewhere, and say "whatcha think?" or get that little extra guidance around a corner, or a little prompt to send a reply on qualcomm, or a helpful "hint" on how to keep most hours available for good dispatches. But we'll learn.
Its a good feeling to be finishing up my training, but kinda scary at the same time. Can't pull in somewhere, and say "whatcha think?" or get that little extra guidance around a corner, or a little prompt to send a reply on qualcomm, or a helpful "hint" on how to keep most hours available for good dispatches. But we'll learn.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Looong trip part duex
Made it to West Memphis Arkansas last nite around 5:30. Jim drove the first 230mi of the day, the rest was mine. Logged about 860 miles, so we got a good start on the trip. The next couple of days will be a little easier, but still 600mi days. We fueled up first at Lancaster, Tx, on the south side of Dallas. We have a terminal there, so I got to see where it was. West Memphis is also a terminal for us. When we got there, I backed the trailer into a spot, and unhooked the trailer. We bobtailed ove to a Petro truck stop and I ate at the buffet. Jim stayed in the truck and ate his dinner, he says he needs to stay away from resturants for awhile. I still want a meal at the end of the day.
Kim was still in North Carolina, and was set to deliver this morning. Then she makes a run down to Fla, another 400mi or so.
We got up at 2am and hit the road at 3am this morning. Made it thru Memphis and Nashville before 8. Otherside of Nashville, I couldn't get my second wind it got light, so Jim took over driving for awhile. The last couple of nites with little sleep caught up with me. I took a short nap on the bunk, and now here I sit watching the scenery. Trees a a little past fall prime colors, but still really pretty around here. We are just short of Knoxville, Tn. It is really foggy and raining and misting this morning, and the fog sitting on top of the trees and in the valleys is kinda neat. Some gorgeous farm homes and acreages around here. Kinda nice to just ride and look for a change.
Jim has pretty much stopped training and is just letting me do everything. He says I am well past where he started and is very happy with my progress. Ready to kick the baby bird outta of the nest. Once we get a dispatch Wednesday after out delivery, I will complete my training period.
Kim will be about 4800mi when she gets to Fla, and needs a couple of good runs to finisher hers. She is also ready to move on and get back together to start our adventures together.
Kim was still in North Carolina, and was set to deliver this morning. Then she makes a run down to Fla, another 400mi or so.
We got up at 2am and hit the road at 3am this morning. Made it thru Memphis and Nashville before 8. Otherside of Nashville, I couldn't get my second wind it got light, so Jim took over driving for awhile. The last couple of nites with little sleep caught up with me. I took a short nap on the bunk, and now here I sit watching the scenery. Trees a a little past fall prime colors, but still really pretty around here. We are just short of Knoxville, Tn. It is really foggy and raining and misting this morning, and the fog sitting on top of the trees and in the valleys is kinda neat. Some gorgeous farm homes and acreages around here. Kinda nice to just ride and look for a change.
Jim has pretty much stopped training and is just letting me do everything. He says I am well past where he started and is very happy with my progress. Ready to kick the baby bird outta of the nest. Once we get a dispatch Wednesday after out delivery, I will complete my training period.
Kim will be about 4800mi when she gets to Fla, and needs a couple of good runs to finisher hers. She is also ready to move on and get back together to start our adventures together.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Got a loong run!
We got our load about 3pm today. We were given several choices of places to go, so we picked the longest, 2017mi to Chester, New York. When we get there I will be 115mi short of my 7500mi required for the training period. When we get a load out of that area, I'll be done. 7500mi in 15 days isn't to bad! We will have to get a load back somewhere, and get to a terminal to get a truck for us. That could be West Memphis, Taylor, Michigan (Detroit area), Lancaster, Tx (Dallas area), back here to Laredo, or Joplin. Either way, I will need to get it to Joplin to get our stuff and have an inverter put in it by maintenance so we will have power for microwave, etc.That will take a day or 2.
We decided to wait here until 3am before leaving. Drivers are allowed to drive 11hrs per day up to 70hrs in any 8 day period. Each day kicks off the oldest day in that 8 day window. If you drive alot, you run out of hours towards the end of the week and next week if you keep going. If you stay down for 34hrs, you can reset the clock back to zero, and start all over on the 70hrs, so thats what we will do. Our 34hrs here is up at 3am, so thats when we will leave. If we go as planned, we'll arrive in NY on Tues afternoon, and our load is required to be delivered at 7am Wed morn. Maybe they will take it early if we're there.
Kim is also down for the weekend in Leland, NC. Her trainer got her a hotel room for the weekend, and he stays in the truck at nite. I think they deliver their load Monday morning, then to Yulee, Florida.
I ran into a couple of guys from our class at Crowder here at the terminal today. Kinda nice to see a familiar face, and compare notes.
Weather down here in S Texas is surprisingly cold and wet. I thought we were headed south for warm weather, it was warmer when we were up in Seattle!!!
An interesting sidenote to our load; it's 30,000lbs of rubber balloons!!!
We decided to wait here until 3am before leaving. Drivers are allowed to drive 11hrs per day up to 70hrs in any 8 day period. Each day kicks off the oldest day in that 8 day window. If you drive alot, you run out of hours towards the end of the week and next week if you keep going. If you stay down for 34hrs, you can reset the clock back to zero, and start all over on the 70hrs, so thats what we will do. Our 34hrs here is up at 3am, so thats when we will leave. If we go as planned, we'll arrive in NY on Tues afternoon, and our load is required to be delivered at 7am Wed morn. Maybe they will take it early if we're there.
Kim is also down for the weekend in Leland, NC. Her trainer got her a hotel room for the weekend, and he stays in the truck at nite. I think they deliver their load Monday morning, then to Yulee, Florida.
I ran into a couple of guys from our class at Crowder here at the terminal today. Kinda nice to see a familiar face, and compare notes.
Weather down here in S Texas is surprisingly cold and wet. I thought we were headed south for warm weather, it was warmer when we were up in Seattle!!!
An interesting sidenote to our load; it's 30,000lbs of rubber balloons!!!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Well, we got our load of trees to Calexico, Ca so alot of kids in Mexico can have a Christmas tree now. We got notified in the middle of the nite a load was ready for Laredo Tx for us for pick-up as soon as our 10hrs down time was up (0600 CST/ 0400PST). So we got up at 3am local to find the trailer in the large parking area CFI uses there. After we hooked up, checked in the office on the way out, we were on our way. We headed down the road about 55mi to Yuma, and waited to 7am to call my parents. Jim, my trainer, gave me a couple of hours to visit with them. It was good to see them and their new place. Got a shower, some of Dad's french toast, and headed back to the truck. Showed my new home (the truck) to them, then off toward Laredo, Tx. We made it to El Paso for the nite and stayed at a Petro. There is a Iron Skillet resturaunt in the Petro's and this nite was a Thanksgiving Buffet. I got to have my turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, yams, and pumkin pie. It was really pretty good. Kim was also at a Petro in Virginia, but said her buffet wasn't that good. Sorry Bud!
This morning we left about 7:30 and drove to Laredo. Got here about 5:30. This is a CFI terminal. Lots of truck, trailers, maintenance, and a driver area. We are on the board for a new load and started at #33 on the waiting list, so you can tell its a busy area. There is alot of freight up from Mexico, to be delivered all over. Should get out tomorrow. In the break area I also ran into on of the guys that was in our class at Crowder. He had been east and said it was a pain. Told him thats where Kim has ended up.
We'll see where tomorrow sends us. Whave moved up to #26 in about 3 hours.
This morning we left about 7:30 and drove to Laredo. Got here about 5:30. This is a CFI terminal. Lots of truck, trailers, maintenance, and a driver area. We are on the board for a new load and started at #33 on the waiting list, so you can tell its a busy area. There is alot of freight up from Mexico, to be delivered all over. Should get out tomorrow. In the break area I also ran into on of the guys that was in our class at Crowder. He had been east and said it was a pain. Told him thats where Kim has ended up.
We'll see where tomorrow sends us. Whave moved up to #26 in about 3 hours.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
travel pics

Here are some pictures from some of our travels so far. The mountain is Mt Shasta in Northern California. The clouds streaking and colors over the top really made it impressive. This shot did not capture it as well as I hoped.
The Christmas trees are a load we picked up outside of Portland Or. They led us about 8 miles into the country on a narrow winding 2 lane road, then down a gravel drive back into a field. Then they asked us to turn around and back up to a conveyor belt in a mud field. After only a week on the road, I can't say I have seen it all now, it is certainly one for the books!!!
The other picture is Kim on the George Washington Bridge connecting New Jersy to New York. CFI couldn't have got us farther apart if they tried!! :)
Monday, November 19, 2007
week 2

Picture is at dock in Renton,Wa. You can barely make out the mountains behind the clouds in the background.
My week started in the Seattle area, Renton to be precise. Renton is also the Boeing hdqtrs, and we actually spent the nite around the block from Alteon Training which is the simulator division of Boeing. I had to deal with them some when I had a 737 simulator in Salt Lake.
Weather here is like you would expect Washington to be, cold and wet. Kim sent me a message this morning saying she got into her dock 90% on her own. My trainer heard that so when we pulled into the dock area, he got out of the truck, said have fun, and walked away! It was a little tight, but thankfully not as bad as we have had lately, so I managed it on my own. Afterward, we went on the board and waited for notification of a load. About 3 hours later, we were notified to deadhead to Salem Or for a load to Denver. As soon as we got up on the Interstate, a cancel notice came across. We just went back to the truck stop we spent Sunday at and waited another hour. Finally we were dispatched to Portland to pick up a load to Calexico, Ca. a 1200mi run. This will take awhile as Oregon and Cal are 55mph states for trucks. Calexico is about 30 from my Mom and Dad so hopefully we can at least have dinner with them Thurs.
I talked with Kim some tonite and they are in Pa. with snow on the ground. She drove all day yesterday but only a few hours today. They also had a police escort blocking all 3 lanes for about 5 miles due to a fatality accident. That got to her a little and the fact that it is a year since her Grandma passed away. Kind of a rough day for her. Hopefully she'll be back to her "entertaining" self shortly. They will have about 2600mi when they get to Conn, and we will have about 4600 when we get to Calexico. Her trainer told her to tell me they'd catch up by Friday. We'll see!
We head over the customer early tomorrow morning, hopefully it won't take long to load us and we can hit the road early. I have no idea yet what the load is. I hope it's not a real heavy one, we have to get back thru all the mountains again.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
First docks
I am in Tacoma now and have a down day. We will go to the customers place tonite so we won't have to deal with Seattle traffic in the morning. It is scheduled for an 8 o'clock delivery.
The drive up here was interesting to say the least. We left Freso about 3:30pm local, and drove about 475mi that nite. I wish I could tell you about how scenic it was but all I can tell you is how curvy and black the road was! 90% was nite driving and the last 100mi or so was all mountain driving. I sure got some practice going up and down thru the gears as we climbed up and down those mountains. Some of those curves just seemed to keep going on forever, at nite you couldn't get any reference to how far around the side of the mountain you were going. I know sometimes I was glad I couldn't see over the drop off! We made it to Phoenix that nite. Hmmm,,must've took a wrong turn! Thought we were going to Seattle! There is also a Phoenix about 25mi into Oregon.
Saturday we left about noon. We had to get 10hrs rest before we could drive again. Headed on up I-5 thru Oregon and on to Tacoma. This time I could see quite abit. It was a cloudy rainey day all day tho, in and out of the clouds thru the mountains.
The Tacoma area was really busy on the hiway even tho it was about 6pm on Saturday nite when we got here.
I can say without certainty, that Jim (my trainer) is really putting me thru my paces. (well,,,,maybe its just our luck in the dispatches.) He says I am doing very well, well ahead of where I need to be. Just need some more time and practice to smooth out abit.
Kim got to go to the I-80 truck stop in Iowa, it's the worlds largest. She said it was like a super wal-mart for trucks! This morning she headed out and gets the prividge of driving thru Chicago today. At least its Sunday. She yelled at me the other day tho. Told me I spoiled her! She is not used to driving the long hours and is having to work her endurance up some. She'll be fine, she's a trooper! Can't think of anyone else I'd rather do this with!!!!
I have a little over 2600mi now toward the 7500 required with my trainer. Should be another 10 days or so if we can keep running like we have. The kicker will be Thanksgiving this week. Hopefully we won't get "lost in the system" during the 4 days.
The drive up here was interesting to say the least. We left Freso about 3:30pm local, and drove about 475mi that nite. I wish I could tell you about how scenic it was but all I can tell you is how curvy and black the road was! 90% was nite driving and the last 100mi or so was all mountain driving. I sure got some practice going up and down thru the gears as we climbed up and down those mountains. Some of those curves just seemed to keep going on forever, at nite you couldn't get any reference to how far around the side of the mountain you were going. I know sometimes I was glad I couldn't see over the drop off! We made it to Phoenix that nite. Hmmm,,must've took a wrong turn! Thought we were going to Seattle! There is also a Phoenix about 25mi into Oregon.
Saturday we left about noon. We had to get 10hrs rest before we could drive again. Headed on up I-5 thru Oregon and on to Tacoma. This time I could see quite abit. It was a cloudy rainey day all day tho, in and out of the clouds thru the mountains.
The Tacoma area was really busy on the hiway even tho it was about 6pm on Saturday nite when we got here.
I can say without certainty, that Jim (my trainer) is really putting me thru my paces. (well,,,,maybe its just our luck in the dispatches.) He says I am doing very well, well ahead of where I need to be. Just need some more time and practice to smooth out abit.
Kim got to go to the I-80 truck stop in Iowa, it's the worlds largest. She said it was like a super wal-mart for trucks! This morning she headed out and gets the prividge of driving thru Chicago today. At least its Sunday. She yelled at me the other day tho. Told me I spoiled her! She is not used to driving the long hours and is having to work her endurance up some. She'll be fine, she's a trooper! Can't think of anyone else I'd rather do this with!!!!
I have a little over 2600mi now toward the 7500 required with my trainer. Should be another 10 days or so if we can keep running like we have. The kicker will be Thanksgiving this week. Hopefully we won't get "lost in the system" during the 4 days.
Friday, November 16, 2007
On the Road!
WOW, has been awhile since last update. I screwed up and left the computer in the motorhome the night we got bussed to Crowder for Boot Camp. Everything was rush, rush, rush there, and if you're late, it could be your job type of atmosphere. We rushed to get the motorhome parked, and rushed to get to the bus before they left us.
Had a great week at Crowder. Was a training atmosphere instead of a get rid of weak ones attitude, so we learned alot. Especially fun was the Skid Pad. It is a flat, smooth, polished concrete pad flooded with water. We got in some "nice" slides there!!! I had a bobtail totally sideways and managed to get it back the right way instead of spinning out. Kim loved it too. She realized she will react to the situation instead of just freezing up. Gave her more confidence.
Back at CFI in Joplin Monday morning, more training on situational awareness (SMITH system), paperwork, and assigned a trainer. As I mentioned, I already knew mine. He met us there a couple of times during the day. Back to the hotel Monday nite then to CFI first thing Tues morn ready to roll. My trainer and I did not get a load and hit the road until about 11am. Kim was not so lucky. She stayed around till 4pm, and got a load to Kansas City. My load had three stops, kinda unusual, but nice. We went from Joplin to Albuqurque, NM the first nite for a delivery the next morning, then to Las Vegas. Spent the nite, and delivered next day. From Vegas we headed over to Fresno, Cali. last nite. We are making our delivery right now. This load was all La-Z-Boy furniture. That makes for a light load. We were about 9000lbs to start with, and can haul about 40,000lbs, so you can see, that is pretty light for us.
Kim had a heavy load to KC, then got a load for Henderson, Ky. When they got rolling, they promptly broke down, and spent most of rest of evening getting it fixed. Next day they rolled on. Just found out this morning they are headed back to Lawrence, KS when they get unloaded this morning. She is a little frustrated by not getting the miles I am. She will have about 1100mi when she gets back tho. I have about 1700 and we are dispatched to Renten Wa next (another 900+) for a Monday morning delivery.
Kim's trainer wants to be in KC Mo for Thanksgiving, so sounds like Kim will be able to go to Arnie's. That will be a nice break for her.
Gotta run and get us goin, will post more later
UPDATE: at the next shippers waiting to be loaded now. It is a load of flavoring for Starbucks going to a shipping distr. center in Renton, Wa. This load will be over 38,000lbs, so this trip will be a little more work, esp going thru the mountains up in Washington. It should be rally scenic, thru the Mt Shasta area in N. Cal,etc. (that is if I have time to look :) We will be going up I-5 all the way.
Had a great week at Crowder. Was a training atmosphere instead of a get rid of weak ones attitude, so we learned alot. Especially fun was the Skid Pad. It is a flat, smooth, polished concrete pad flooded with water. We got in some "nice" slides there!!! I had a bobtail totally sideways and managed to get it back the right way instead of spinning out. Kim loved it too. She realized she will react to the situation instead of just freezing up. Gave her more confidence.
Back at CFI in Joplin Monday morning, more training on situational awareness (SMITH system), paperwork, and assigned a trainer. As I mentioned, I already knew mine. He met us there a couple of times during the day. Back to the hotel Monday nite then to CFI first thing Tues morn ready to roll. My trainer and I did not get a load and hit the road until about 11am. Kim was not so lucky. She stayed around till 4pm, and got a load to Kansas City. My load had three stops, kinda unusual, but nice. We went from Joplin to Albuqurque, NM the first nite for a delivery the next morning, then to Las Vegas. Spent the nite, and delivered next day. From Vegas we headed over to Fresno, Cali. last nite. We are making our delivery right now. This load was all La-Z-Boy furniture. That makes for a light load. We were about 9000lbs to start with, and can haul about 40,000lbs, so you can see, that is pretty light for us.
Kim had a heavy load to KC, then got a load for Henderson, Ky. When they got rolling, they promptly broke down, and spent most of rest of evening getting it fixed. Next day they rolled on. Just found out this morning they are headed back to Lawrence, KS when they get unloaded this morning. She is a little frustrated by not getting the miles I am. She will have about 1100mi when she gets back tho. I have about 1700 and we are dispatched to Renten Wa next (another 900+) for a Monday morning delivery.
Kim's trainer wants to be in KC Mo for Thanksgiving, so sounds like Kim will be able to go to Arnie's. That will be a nice break for her.
Gotta run and get us goin, will post more later
UPDATE: at the next shippers waiting to be loaded now. It is a load of flavoring for Starbucks going to a shipping distr. center in Renton, Wa. This load will be over 38,000lbs, so this trip will be a little more work, esp going thru the mountains up in Washington. It should be rally scenic, thru the Mt Shasta area in N. Cal,etc. (that is if I have time to look :) We will be going up I-5 all the way.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Utah in the rear view

Been a couple of days since our last post, and things changed a little. Wed morning, Dad called at 6am just as I was about to get us over to FSI. He infomed me that Tina, my sis-in-law, had passed away at 2am. We were going to head to Beatrice, Neb to visit my aunt, but changed plans to just go pick her up and head on down to Okla to be with my brother and the family. We won't get to visit Arnie (Kim's bro) and family in KC Mo, but we need to be here.
So we are sitting in Jenks, Okla, at my brother's house until Sunday. Funeral is tomorrow (Saturday) at 10:30am. Tina was about 6 mo older than me, but had diabeties, had a heart attact a few years back, and a stroke on Mothers day. She has not had much quality of life since. I feel bad for Mark, she was too young to go, but is no longer in pain. Mark is totally worn out from the total care of her.
As we were leaving town Wed morning, it was really quite appropriate, we saw one of the Sage trucks with a student headed the other way! Shortly after, Dan called to wish us safe travels. Really appreciate them, good group, will miss them, but looking forward to going back and visiting them with our truck when we start driving.
We spent Wed nite in a truck stop in Ogallala, Neb, and Thurs went on to Beatrice. Picked up Aunt Willie about 11am, and got to Jenks about 6:15pm.
I checked gas mileage this time for the first time really with this motorhome. We were only running about 65-70mph and got 7.9mpg. I guess thats really good for this Detroit 6V92 engine, with the trailer and 2 bikes as well. Of course the fuel prices had to take a jump this week.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Last Utah day
Here we sit at the Pilot Travel Center in Salt Lake. We look around and put ourselves in the shoes of the other drivers going and coming. This will be part of our lifestyle from here on, at least until we quit driving OTR (over the road). It's hard to realize this is a move and major change coming up. Still feels like we're in the vacation mode, in the motorhome going to visit family.
This morning I went to work until about 10:00. We were checking out of the KOA today, and needed to be out by noon. We went to the house, pulled the trailer out of the back yard with the pickup. Hooked it up to the motorhome, had to rewire the plug a little, then loaded the Goldwing on. My Yamaha is at FSI and will be loaded tomorrow.
Last night we went to Iggy's sports bar and met Greg to watch the Denver/Green Bay game. I still had an early bell this morning so we left at half time. What a game!
We also had to give up Shadow today, at least till we get back thru here with our truck. Kim took that pretty hard.
We got a call from CFI, confirming our reservation for a hotel in Joplin Sunday nite, and a 6:15am pick up for our ride to the terminal. We will process some Monday in Joplin, then Monday afternoon, will be set to Neosho, Mo, about 10-15 mi south of Joplin. We're ready!
This morning I went to work until about 10:00. We were checking out of the KOA today, and needed to be out by noon. We went to the house, pulled the trailer out of the back yard with the pickup. Hooked it up to the motorhome, had to rewire the plug a little, then loaded the Goldwing on. My Yamaha is at FSI and will be loaded tomorrow.
Last night we went to Iggy's sports bar and met Greg to watch the Denver/Green Bay game. I still had an early bell this morning so we left at half time. What a game!
We also had to give up Shadow today, at least till we get back thru here with our truck. Kim took that pretty hard.
We got a call from CFI, confirming our reservation for a hotel in Joplin Sunday nite, and a 6:15am pick up for our ride to the terminal. We will process some Monday in Joplin, then Monday afternoon, will be set to Neosho, Mo, about 10-15 mi south of Joplin. We're ready!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Last weekend in SLC
We have had a couple of busy days since Wed. Thurs we were invited over to Franks (my lead tech) for lunch. He makes a great pizza and hot wings! (also brews his own beer). Afterwards, we went to the store and took a load and a bike to the house. Met one of the owners of a bike we used came by to get his bike and say goodbye. Yesterday we cleaned out most of the stuff, threw alot away in a construction dumpster behind us that Don who owns a HVAC business graciously offered to save us a trip or two to the dump.
This morning we went back to SAGE to practice some alley docking, and some real life type stuff. Russell, the director of the school came in on his day off to work with us a few hours off the record. Can't say enough good for those guys at the school.
I took a few pictures of Kim while she was playing around to share.
Some are of Kim backing up into a 12' box, down a delivery ramp to a shipping/receiving dock, and of Russell giving her some some pointers. The pictures of the truck are a Kenworth T-600. I will probably be in a T-600 while in training for the 3 weeks. There is also a T-2000 that CFI uses for some trainers and Teams. The cab is the full width of the sleeper where the T-600 is narrower in the cab.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. We are getting anxious to get on the road.
This morning we went back to SAGE to practice some alley docking, and some real life type stuff. Russell, the director of the school came in on his day off to work with us a few hours off the record. Can't say enough good for those guys at the school.
I took a few pictures of Kim while she was playing around to share.
Some are of Kim backing up into a 12' box, down a delivery ramp to a shipping/receiving dock, and of Russell giving her some some pointers. The pictures of the truck are a Kenworth T-600. I will probably be in a T-600 while in training for the 3 weeks. There is also a T-2000 that CFI uses for some trainers and Teams. The cab is the full width of the sleeper where the T-600 is narrower in the cab.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. We are getting anxious to get on the road.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
It's official
I thought I would post today (Kim) I passed my CDL test today. Russ spent about 3 1/2 hours with me on my parallel parking. I actually have blisters on both hands! He asked if I remembered how to offset park and to explain to him what I was going to do. I explained the maneuver and then did it. He then told me to go park in the parallel box. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour thinking , okay here it goes Kim. He had me pull up and then back it about 100 ft. I straight backed it and stopped. He motioned me up and told me to park the truck and take a break. I was thinking BREAK, I don't want to break! I want to get this over with! Well, Steve came running up to my window and I was looking at him like he was a weirdo, I got out of the truck and Russ said to me, you passed. My mouth dropped. Its such an accomplishment for both Steve and I to have done this. I really have to give it to the instructors at Sage. Russ, Dan and Dave are fantastic! It takes a special person to teach, and that group is tops in my book.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Cleaning Up
The weekend weather was a split. Rain/snow/sleet on Sat. and nice and sunny Sunday. We did a little shopping Saturday for some new clothes, did a little work at the store, then basically hibernated. Sunday we loaded up all my tools, and some other stuff from the store, and took a load home to the basement for storage.
I forgot to mention that Friday while we were testing, I got a text from a trainer that we know from CFI. We have corresponded in a CFI driver forum, and met him one evening when he was passing thru to discuss CFI. His text told me he had put in to be my trainer when we get to the company. The timing will be about right for him, so he told to the recruiter to put me down under him. That will be kinda neat, I know my trainer already. Not sure who Kim will get just yet.
We have finally had a couple of enquiries on some of our "stuff". A guy is supposed to call to look at the trailer in the next day or so, and also another wants to look at the Goldwing. Would be nice to get them sold.
They still don't have anyone to replace me at FSI yet, but are doing interviews tomorrow. I only have about 4 1/2 days left, tomorrow and Wed, then Mon/Tues and about half a day next Wed. WOW, getting close. Then we take off and head for KCMo to see Arnie and Colleen and Maddy for the weekend. Heading down to Neosho on Sunday, 4 Nov. I asked Kim if we were team driving the motorhome for practice. Just a look with no answer! :)
I did get to the DMV today and now have a CDL that doesnt say learner permit anymore!
I forgot to mention that Friday while we were testing, I got a text from a trainer that we know from CFI. We have corresponded in a CFI driver forum, and met him one evening when he was passing thru to discuss CFI. His text told me he had put in to be my trainer when we get to the company. The timing will be about right for him, so he told to the recruiter to put me down under him. That will be kinda neat, I know my trainer already. Not sure who Kim will get just yet.
We have finally had a couple of enquiries on some of our "stuff". A guy is supposed to call to look at the trailer in the next day or so, and also another wants to look at the Goldwing. Would be nice to get them sold.
They still don't have anyone to replace me at FSI yet, but are doing interviews tomorrow. I only have about 4 1/2 days left, tomorrow and Wed, then Mon/Tues and about half a day next Wed. WOW, getting close. Then we take off and head for KCMo to see Arnie and Colleen and Maddy for the weekend. Heading down to Neosho on Sunday, 4 Nov. I asked Kim if we were team driving the motorhome for practice. Just a look with no answer! :)
I did get to the DMV today and now have a CDL that doesnt say learner permit anymore!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Today was a loooong day. We drove up to Logan, in the pre-dawn hours. A nice 6am departure and got up there and stopped in at McD's for breakfast, then back thru a canyon and some 6% grades.
We came back and did some backing practice, then Dan grilled hamburgers for us.
After lunch Kim started her test with the backing. She got the parallel but couldn't get the trailer straighted out and the straight line done. So they took off for the driving part. She was already abit flustered and didn't drive as well as she normally does, but didn't have any safety or hazardous problems so she passed that part. Then my turn. I started with the straight line backing with no problems. From that on to the parallel. I got into a position I couldn't get out of, so had to take max points on it. I still had to do the offset back and had to ace it to pass the backing segment. Luckily, it fell into place for me, and I got by it. Then off on our drive. Not too many problems there, other than driving a truck I had never driven. It also had a little different shift pattern than what I was used to. I feel it cost me a few points, but overall not too much. When we got back, it was pre-trip time. Everyone has to do the coupling system (5th wheel area) and one other area of the truck selected at random. I got the trailer to do. After that, light check, then in-cab. That includes general condition, heater/defrost, lights, then a brake check, making sure the tractor brakes hold, then the trailer emer brakes, then trailer only regular brakes, the the normal brakes. After that a leak check of the system, then checking for low air pressure warnings. I made it thru with only a couple items missed. Kim got the tractor from the driver door back, then the coupling and in-cab. She made it thru that ok as well, then he had her retry the backing. She got the straight line and offset this time, but had some problems with the parallel. So she will have to have some more practice Mon or Tues and restest on the backing. Should be no problem. She knows she has done well, and is really close, some practice will help us both. They are also going to work with us some on backing up to a dock, something they don't normally teach in school. They usually leave that for the companies to work out.
So I am the owner of a brand new shiny Class A CDL with all endorsements. Kim will have hers soon!
On a sad note, the other day when Russel, the school director had to leave early because his sister was admitted to the hospital, well, he didn't make it in time, and she passed away. We feel really bad for him. He showed up at 6am to drive with us today, and spent the day at the school. Mon afternoon they are having the funeral for her. Our best wishes to Russel and his family during this hard time.
We came back and did some backing practice, then Dan grilled hamburgers for us.
After lunch Kim started her test with the backing. She got the parallel but couldn't get the trailer straighted out and the straight line done. So they took off for the driving part. She was already abit flustered and didn't drive as well as she normally does, but didn't have any safety or hazardous problems so she passed that part. Then my turn. I started with the straight line backing with no problems. From that on to the parallel. I got into a position I couldn't get out of, so had to take max points on it. I still had to do the offset back and had to ace it to pass the backing segment. Luckily, it fell into place for me, and I got by it. Then off on our drive. Not too many problems there, other than driving a truck I had never driven. It also had a little different shift pattern than what I was used to. I feel it cost me a few points, but overall not too much. When we got back, it was pre-trip time. Everyone has to do the coupling system (5th wheel area) and one other area of the truck selected at random. I got the trailer to do. After that, light check, then in-cab. That includes general condition, heater/defrost, lights, then a brake check, making sure the tractor brakes hold, then the trailer emer brakes, then trailer only regular brakes, the the normal brakes. After that a leak check of the system, then checking for low air pressure warnings. I made it thru with only a couple items missed. Kim got the tractor from the driver door back, then the coupling and in-cab. She made it thru that ok as well, then he had her retry the backing. She got the straight line and offset this time, but had some problems with the parallel. So she will have to have some more practice Mon or Tues and restest on the backing. Should be no problem. She knows she has done well, and is really close, some practice will help us both. They are also going to work with us some on backing up to a dock, something they don't normally teach in school. They usually leave that for the companies to work out.
So I am the owner of a brand new shiny Class A CDL with all endorsements. Kim will have hers soon!
On a sad note, the other day when Russel, the school director had to leave early because his sister was admitted to the hospital, well, he didn't make it in time, and she passed away. We feel really bad for him. He showed up at 6am to drive with us today, and spent the day at the school. Mon afternoon they are having the funeral for her. Our best wishes to Russel and his family during this hard time.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
This afternoon was supposed to be a 4 hour backing session. Our instructor Russ was tied up for awhile at first but told us to go ahead with some straight backing, etc. Kim and I got in our trucks, and started straight backing some, then started doing the offset backing. I would back up into the next lane and straighten. Then wait while Kim passed from rear to front to do the offset next. I would back on out of the box and wait while she did the offset. We kept taking turns like that until our instructor came out and kept us going. After 2 hours of this, we were ready to take a break, and so were our legs! Russ said his sister had been admitted to a hospital, and would we be ok to get some extra time friday. No problem, WE just get up at MY normal time Friday! :)
I had a call from the CFI recruiter today for an interview. It was just basic qualifying questions, work history, address, traffic violations for past 10yrs, drug and alchohol abuse or violations, etc. She also read a basic statement of CFI policies and job requirements. Basically any hour, any day.
When we left school, we went to the DMV to get copies of our Motor Vehicle Records. Mine is clear, but I had a couple tickets before, 1 about 3 years ago, 1 about 5 years ago. Not sure why it didnt show up on the report. Kim had 1, so shouldnt be any problems there. Guess Christine (our recruiter) got busy, Kim didn't get her call yet.
Tomorrow will be a day off of work and school. We need to go to get our fingerprints done for the background investigation for our Hazmat endorsement.
I had a call from the CFI recruiter today for an interview. It was just basic qualifying questions, work history, address, traffic violations for past 10yrs, drug and alchohol abuse or violations, etc. She also read a basic statement of CFI policies and job requirements. Basically any hour, any day.
When we left school, we went to the DMV to get copies of our Motor Vehicle Records. Mine is clear, but I had a couple tickets before, 1 about 3 years ago, 1 about 5 years ago. Not sure why it didnt show up on the report. Kim had 1, so shouldnt be any problems there. Guess Christine (our recruiter) got busy, Kim didn't get her call yet.
Tomorrow will be a day off of work and school. We need to go to get our fingerprints done for the background investigation for our Hazmat endorsement.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Mid Oct, final stretch
Been a couple of days since our update. Had a really nice weekend. Saturday we just did some running around. Picked up our new sunglasses. Kim's eyes have changed enough they told her not to wear them until she gets her regular ones. They also brought up the BIFOCAL word. Kim wouldn't hear it! :) Picked up our mail, got some groceries, and just hibernated the rest of the day until we went out to ThaiPhoon Resturant for a nice dinner.
Sunday was Kim's birthday so we went to breakfast first. After breakfast she said she wanted to go to school and do some practice on the pretrips. HMMMM,,school on your birthay, thats a dedicated student! Came home and watched the Pack play after that, they won! Greg and Dan (Gregs roommate) came over with a card and candy for Kim after the game. We went to the Fahrenbachs for dinner. Nancy fixed Kim a nice dinner. Always good to visit with them. We will really miss that when we leave.
Ok, back to school today. We were scheduled to drive this afternoon. Kim drove with Dan, and I drove with Russell, the school director. We went north to I-84 the east thru Weber canyon. Thru the canyon, past Devils Slide, and on up to where it comes together with I-80. There are some really nice red rock outcroppings in that area. We headed back west toward Park City, passing Echo Lake. Just before Park City we got off on a two lane highway and went around Rockport Resevoir, and on thru some small towns and tight turns. This is a ride we have done on the motorcycles several times. Part of what we called the 5 dam ride, because it goes past about 5 lakes and dams. We took a break in Kamas, then on towards SLC. During this run, we had a 10% grade and 8% grades to deal with. (Steep). This route took us on around Jordanelle Resevoir and back to Park City. Boy the colors are still something else. Not as bright as they were a couple of weeks ago, but still alot of greens mixed with browns and yellows. Streams are still running pretty good but all the lakes sure are low now. Once again, we came down Parley's Canyon from Park City into SLC. Dan kept Kim pretty slow and ran down without a jake brake, like she would have to do if she were fully loaded.
This is all coming to a head this week. Tomorrow we have a backing session, the we're off Thursday. Friday morning is a drive up to Logan and back, then Friday afternoon we take our CDL test. That includes a pre-trip, a drive somewhere and back, then we have to back up, straight line, offset back, then parallel park.
I also counted 8 work days left now. That is only working Mon-Wed.
We have put down the numbers and looked at everything, and have decided to go with CFI out of Joplin, Mo. We will have to go to Neosho for an 8 day "boot camp" orientation that starts on 5 Nov. After that we will go with different trainers for about 3 weeks, then into our own truck.
This next month is really going to go fast!
Sunday was Kim's birthday so we went to breakfast first. After breakfast she said she wanted to go to school and do some practice on the pretrips. HMMMM,,school on your birthay, thats a dedicated student! Came home and watched the Pack play after that, they won! Greg and Dan (Gregs roommate) came over with a card and candy for Kim after the game. We went to the Fahrenbachs for dinner. Nancy fixed Kim a nice dinner. Always good to visit with them. We will really miss that when we leave.
Ok, back to school today. We were scheduled to drive this afternoon. Kim drove with Dan, and I drove with Russell, the school director. We went north to I-84 the east thru Weber canyon. Thru the canyon, past Devils Slide, and on up to where it comes together with I-80. There are some really nice red rock outcroppings in that area. We headed back west toward Park City, passing Echo Lake. Just before Park City we got off on a two lane highway and went around Rockport Resevoir, and on thru some small towns and tight turns. This is a ride we have done on the motorcycles several times. Part of what we called the 5 dam ride, because it goes past about 5 lakes and dams. We took a break in Kamas, then on towards SLC. During this run, we had a 10% grade and 8% grades to deal with. (Steep). This route took us on around Jordanelle Resevoir and back to Park City. Boy the colors are still something else. Not as bright as they were a couple of weeks ago, but still alot of greens mixed with browns and yellows. Streams are still running pretty good but all the lakes sure are low now. Once again, we came down Parley's Canyon from Park City into SLC. Dan kept Kim pretty slow and ran down without a jake brake, like she would have to do if she were fully loaded.
This is all coming to a head this week. Tomorrow we have a backing session, the we're off Thursday. Friday morning is a drive up to Logan and back, then Friday afternoon we take our CDL test. That includes a pre-trip, a drive somewhere and back, then we have to back up, straight line, offset back, then parallel park.
I also counted 8 work days left now. That is only working Mon-Wed.
We have put down the numbers and looked at everything, and have decided to go with CFI out of Joplin, Mo. We will have to go to Neosho for an 8 day "boot camp" orientation that starts on 5 Nov. After that we will go with different trainers for about 3 weeks, then into our own truck.
This next month is really going to go fast!
Friday, October 12, 2007
First Trip!
This morning was 4 hours of BACKING! Again! But this morning was kinda fun, and Kim was getting really good with it! It started clicking and she's doing good! Straight line and offset (backing from one lane over to the next, and getting everything straight).
We had to run home at lunch and get our log books and get them updated. Our afternoon drive changed from Logan,UT to Evanstan, WY, Anytime you cross a state line, a logbook is required (or over 100mi from home base). We drove up past Park City, and on out to Wyoming. We got stopped at the port of entry and had to take all the truck/trailer paperwork inside. They checked the company DOT # in their computer and then let us go. No checking of our logs. We went on into Evanston and fueled up at the Flying J. Turned around and came back.
Driving down Parley's Canyon between Park City and Salt Lake was a learning experience. 6% grade and didn't touch the brakes. We both really had a good drive. Was nice to get out and drive instead of just thru the city traffic. Dealt with some construction areas and Utah state flowers (orange DOT barrels).
We are scheduled to drive Tues, Wed, Friday, and test out Fri afternoon. Getting close to the end!
We had to run home at lunch and get our log books and get them updated. Our afternoon drive changed from Logan,UT to Evanstan, WY, Anytime you cross a state line, a logbook is required (or over 100mi from home base). We drove up past Park City, and on out to Wyoming. We got stopped at the port of entry and had to take all the truck/trailer paperwork inside. They checked the company DOT # in their computer and then let us go. No checking of our logs. We went on into Evanston and fueled up at the Flying J. Turned around and came back.
Driving down Parley's Canyon between Park City and Salt Lake was a learning experience. 6% grade and didn't touch the brakes. We both really had a good drive. Was nice to get out and drive instead of just thru the city traffic. Dealt with some construction areas and Utah state flowers (orange DOT barrels).
We are scheduled to drive Tues, Wed, Friday, and test out Fri afternoon. Getting close to the end!
Narrow road training
Thursday afternoon Kim drove then I took the same drive after dinner. We went over thru Magna and down around Kennecot mine area. Actually this was a loop we used to drive on the motorcycles every once in a while so we know the area quite well. The last couple of drives we have had a break at one of the Flying J's in town. Pulling thru the fuel line, parking, then lining up to get out, etc. It makes us almost feel like truck drivers! ;)
This drive also had alot of construction, narrow lanes, etc. Mine was a little more challenge as it was during the 5 o'clock rush time. I also got to go into a warehouse area and did a docking maneuver. Dan says we'll practice that today during our BACKING session. Yup, this morning is more BACKING! 4 MORE HOURS. Ugh.
This afternoon, we are scheduled to take a run to Logan and back. Will be nice to get out on the road abit.
Gotta get my shower and get running!
This drive also had alot of construction, narrow lanes, etc. Mine was a little more challenge as it was during the 5 o'clock rush time. I also got to go into a warehouse area and did a docking maneuver. Dan says we'll practice that today during our BACKING session. Yup, this morning is more BACKING! 4 MORE HOURS. Ugh.
This afternoon, we are scheduled to take a run to Logan and back. Will be nice to get out on the road abit.
Gotta get my shower and get running!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
More Backing
Wednesday was a busy day. Started off at the eye doctor for new glasses and sunglasses for both of us. (OUCH!) Gotta have em tho, tools of the trade. (tax deductible).
While we were there, Brittany called from Basic training. She re-injured he knee, and is in a medical hold squadron until she finishes some physical training. Then she will be discharged due to pre-existing condition. If she would have injured it there, they would keep her and rehab, however, it was there before, so they just send her home after she is back on her feet fully. She was pretty down about it. As I told her, he tried, She did more than alot of others, be proud that you volunteered and tried, Brit. We still love ya!
After lunch we went to school for more BACKING, again. Kim kept working on the straight line while I did some more parallel parking. We both struggled a little at first but by then end of the day was starting to get it down good. We are scheduled to spend the first 4 hrs Thurs morning. Kim is scheduled to take a drive thru town again in the afternoon, then I take a drive in the evening.
When I got on the computer to check emails, etc, we had an email from the recruiter from CFI. She said she knew we were planning on a different direction, and that I ha told her some of the reason was the merger with conway, etc. She asked us to reconsider, offered to give us phone numbers of some teams working for CFI to talk with, and wanted to assure nothing has changed. Hmmmmm,,,we put the numbers down on paper ($) , called a CFI trainer we have met to ask him the feelings on the street, and have done some reconsidering. Need to talk with her and some others again. We do like the idea of being more central in Joplin, and training is shorter and MUCH better pay while in training, then we would be earning sooner than Interstate as well. They just don't offer a tuition reimbursement, however, the difference in $$ while training, and getting on the road quicker just about offsets that program.
While we were there, Brittany called from Basic training. She re-injured he knee, and is in a medical hold squadron until she finishes some physical training. Then she will be discharged due to pre-existing condition. If she would have injured it there, they would keep her and rehab, however, it was there before, so they just send her home after she is back on her feet fully. She was pretty down about it. As I told her, he tried, She did more than alot of others, be proud that you volunteered and tried, Brit. We still love ya!
After lunch we went to school for more BACKING, again. Kim kept working on the straight line while I did some more parallel parking. We both struggled a little at first but by then end of the day was starting to get it down good. We are scheduled to spend the first 4 hrs Thurs morning. Kim is scheduled to take a drive thru town again in the afternoon, then I take a drive in the evening.
When I got on the computer to check emails, etc, we had an email from the recruiter from CFI. She said she knew we were planning on a different direction, and that I ha told her some of the reason was the merger with conway, etc. She asked us to reconsider, offered to give us phone numbers of some teams working for CFI to talk with, and wanted to assure nothing has changed. Hmmmmm,,,we put the numbers down on paper ($) , called a CFI trainer we have met to ask him the feelings on the street, and have done some reconsidering. Need to talk with her and some others again. We do like the idea of being more central in Joplin, and training is shorter and MUCH better pay while in training, then we would be earning sooner than Interstate as well. They just don't offer a tuition reimbursement, however, the difference in $$ while training, and getting on the road quicker just about offsets that program.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Day of Driving

Kim started out the day with a drive thru town. This was down one of the main routes south thru town, then across to another and back north on another main road. This was to work on shifting, space management, railroad crossings, scanning, communicating intent, etc. You make alot of "friends" with these big rigs in the city! :)
After a break, she went out to the area we practiced just shifting the day before to work on downshifting a little more.
After lunch, I joined up, and we both had a backing session. Started with straight line backing. I got that down pretty quick. I have had some experience backing trailers, etc. so not too difficult for me. Then he had me start offset, basically backing up and straightening out in the next lane. After break, Dan brought out the cones, and set me up for parallel parking! After walking beside me and talking me thru it couple of times, I started getting it. I parallel parked one these things!
Kim has not really had any experience backing, so she practiced the straightline for the session. By the end of the day, she started getting it down pretty good. She's a real trooper, and doing well!
A quick dinner break and Dan and I took the drive Kim did in the morning. Boy, nothing like big city driving in 5 o'clock traffic. Dan worked me over during this night drive. We went into another industrial area, and a failrly tight parking lot at one time. Kinda hard to judge when you can't really see where the trailer tires are tracking.
Next session is backing again. Oh boy!
Monday, October 8, 2007
First Drive!
WE DID IT! We drove trucks for nearly 4 hrs today. The instructors drove the trucks out (Kim and I had our own truck and instructor) to a service road, then we drove. We practiced up and down shifting while going up the service road. There were several other training trucks out there from other schools. By the time we got to Salt Air (approx 4 or 5 miles) we were doing ok. Both instructors told us to go ahead and get on the interstate to head back! We went back and did the same loop again. After the second time down the access road practicing up and down shifting, we hit the interstate again, and headed back to an industrial area near the airport. Kims instructor told her at this point sometimes they are still out there for the first run down the road. We both were doing GOOD.
After a quick break, we were driving around and through the industrial zone in traffic, lites, stop signs, turns, etc. Knocked me down a couple notches. :) I did good, just had some trouble when downshifting for the stops. Kim apparently was having some of the same problems, tho he didn't have her downshifting as much as I was. Guess he was working me over! :)
Tomorrow, Kim has a trip in the morning then we both will have a backing session after lunch. I will have my trip at 5pm.
This is a challenge, and will take some work to get this, but it'll be worth it!
After a quick break, we were driving around and through the industrial zone in traffic, lites, stop signs, turns, etc. Knocked me down a couple notches. :) I did good, just had some trouble when downshifting for the stops. Kim apparently was having some of the same problems, tho he didn't have her downshifting as much as I was. Guess he was working me over! :)
Tomorrow, Kim has a trip in the morning then we both will have a backing session after lunch. I will have my trip at 5pm.
This is a challenge, and will take some work to get this, but it'll be worth it!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Another wet cold weekend
Yesterday (Friday) was our last full day of classroom. We also had a bit of a pot luck for lunk. Kim made her potatoe salad, and Dan brought sloppy joes. It was a good lunch sitting around bs'ng with everyone. Russ (the head instructor, school dirctor) taught us most of the day. Lots of discussion with extreme driving conditions, skids, etc. Lots of stories to bring the point home.
Today is cold and rainey. Got out this morning to do some running around and shopping, but most of day is spent sitting around watching the games, etc (napping).
Both uf us are scheduled for our first drives Monday at 1pm. This should be fun!
Today is cold and rainey. Got out this morning to do some running around and shopping, but most of day is spent sitting around watching the games, etc (napping).
Both uf us are scheduled for our first drives Monday at 1pm. This should be fun!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Changes coming!
Today was a day shift school. I have alot of sick time I won't get paid for when I leave FSI, so I have been using it some each week. I work 5:50 to 12:30 and take an hour sick time Mon-Wed. Thurs and Fri I take full sick days. I am still on call basically anytime there is a problem, but not much going on now. Sooooo, Thurs and Fridays are daytime classes.
This morning we had classes on communicating intent, ie brake lites when slowing, turn signals for lane changes, warning others behind you of hazards, etc. We also went into space and speed management, night driving, and winter driving. We also had alot of discussion on getting too tired to drive, and the consequences.
There are four of us that will start driving next week. We are looking forward to finishing classroom work for the most part tomorrow. There are 11 drives to complete and each is 4 hours. The drives start out with goin out past the airport on an access road next to I-80 that ends at Salt Air and also around the international center, which is an industrial area just west of the airport. Some of the other drives go up thru Logan and back down Logan canyon, and there will also be some drives down Parley's Canyon (Park City to Salt Lake) one using jake brake and one without.
5 of the drives are strictly backing for 4 hours, straight line back, offset back (basically pulling forward, then backing into and straightening in the next lane), a parallel park, and backing into a dock from 90 degrees off.
Tomorrow we will be having a pot luck for lunch. Kim is making potato salad, Dan (one of the instructors) is making sloppy joes, not sure what everyone else is bringing, but it will be kinda nice for a Friday lunch.
Weather is supposed to go to crap tomorrow so won't be doing much this weekend.
Hard to realize this time next month will probably find us in Tacoma!
I have heard that some are reading this, and glad to share. I read a similar blog about a guy going thru Sage schools in San Antonio then going thru training with a company in Missoula Mt, and his first runs. It was interesting to keep track of his daily progress, so I kinda stole his idea. We hope to keep this going till after we get on the road.
This morning we had classes on communicating intent, ie brake lites when slowing, turn signals for lane changes, warning others behind you of hazards, etc. We also went into space and speed management, night driving, and winter driving. We also had alot of discussion on getting too tired to drive, and the consequences.
There are four of us that will start driving next week. We are looking forward to finishing classroom work for the most part tomorrow. There are 11 drives to complete and each is 4 hours. The drives start out with goin out past the airport on an access road next to I-80 that ends at Salt Air and also around the international center, which is an industrial area just west of the airport. Some of the other drives go up thru Logan and back down Logan canyon, and there will also be some drives down Parley's Canyon (Park City to Salt Lake) one using jake brake and one without.
5 of the drives are strictly backing for 4 hours, straight line back, offset back (basically pulling forward, then backing into and straightening in the next lane), a parallel park, and backing into a dock from 90 degrees off.
Tomorrow we will be having a pot luck for lunch. Kim is making potato salad, Dan (one of the instructors) is making sloppy joes, not sure what everyone else is bringing, but it will be kinda nice for a Friday lunch.
Weather is supposed to go to crap tomorrow so won't be doing much this weekend.
Hard to realize this time next month will probably find us in Tacoma!
I have heard that some are reading this, and glad to share. I read a similar blog about a guy going thru Sage schools in San Antonio then going thru training with a company in Missoula Mt, and his first runs. It was interesting to keep track of his daily progress, so I kinda stole his idea. We hope to keep this going till after we get on the road.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Common Threads
This afternoon started out with a recruiter from Swift. They are REALLY big and not one Kim and I are really interested in, but we listened to him. Afterwords, we all went out to do the dailey pretrip. Kim did both sides of the engine compartment for the first time, and did very well. I got to watch :) After our walk around and inspection of the tractor and the trailer, we split up and did the in cab checks in two groups. (all the indicators, gauges, etc, and brake checks).
Afternoon classroom was more on shifting, hills, proper gear, etc. Our quick dinner break to let Shadow out, grab a taquito, and back to class for the evening session. We started with some work on coupling and un-coupling the trailer from the tractor. Pulling the fifth wheel release, pulling the tractor away from the trailer, checking it all out, then coupling it back together.
Classroom tonite was visual awareness, and special rigs (doubles, triples, heavy haul trailer, etc). The visual awareness is pretty much identical to what is required and taught to motorcyclists. You have to be aware of others so much, because you are so vulnerable. A truck driver has to be aware of others to make allowances so much more in advance. They don't stop or move over on a dime!
Today the training manager for SkyWest asked me how school was going. He commented that they are pretty much glorified truck drivers too. There REALLY are alot of parallels. Fed Regs, rest hours, trip planning, dispatchers, pre-trips, etc. I told him I was ready to get out of ground school and get some seat time! He just laughed and said he hears the same from his students!
Tomorrow is supposed to be our last nice day for awhile, tho it's starting to get pretty windy. Friday brings a cold front in and Sat is supposed to be a hi of 32 with mix rain and snow.....YUCK, just like last Saturday, only colder.
Afternoon classroom was more on shifting, hills, proper gear, etc. Our quick dinner break to let Shadow out, grab a taquito, and back to class for the evening session. We started with some work on coupling and un-coupling the trailer from the tractor. Pulling the fifth wheel release, pulling the tractor away from the trailer, checking it all out, then coupling it back together.
Classroom tonite was visual awareness, and special rigs (doubles, triples, heavy haul trailer, etc). The visual awareness is pretty much identical to what is required and taught to motorcyclists. You have to be aware of others so much, because you are so vulnerable. A truck driver has to be aware of others to make allowances so much more in advance. They don't stop or move over on a dime!
Today the training manager for SkyWest asked me how school was going. He commented that they are pretty much glorified truck drivers too. There REALLY are alot of parallels. Fed Regs, rest hours, trip planning, dispatchers, pre-trips, etc. I told him I was ready to get out of ground school and get some seat time! He just laughed and said he hears the same from his students!
Tomorrow is supposed to be our last nice day for awhile, tho it's starting to get pretty windy. Friday brings a cold front in and Sat is supposed to be a hi of 32 with mix rain and snow.....YUCK, just like last Saturday, only colder.
A different day
Tuesday was a little different.
All day were keeping track of Brittany who was on her way to Air Force basic training. Swearing in at Des Moines, flying to San Antonio via Denver. Last contact with her was while she was waiting for her bags about 7:30 our time. From there I know she takes a bus to base, they feed the recruits, then line them up, call their names, and get them off to their respective Flights in the dorms. I remember it being a pretty unsettling night. I'm sure she got "rudely" awoken this morning.
Welcome to the Air Force Airman Basic Brittany Ray.
Went to school and had some classroom work on inspections. Then went out to the trucks to do a pretrip. While most of us were checking one truck, an instructor took Kim over to another for some one on one to help her with some of the names of things that required checking.
Back into class and listened to this one particular instructor "teach" us more about inspections and what to look for. We had a bit of an issue with this instructor, and was glad when the school director came in and finished the day (hmmm,,wonder how he knew?? :) ) Needless to say, we did not go back for the evening class. It suffices to say not everyone is cut out to teach, and maybe I am a little more critical or observant about it, because I have done it so much and automatically do not assume they know all. 'nuf said.
So we had a nice dinner at home, and relaxed for abit last nite. Don't know if it is starting to hit me, or just relaxed too much and felt a little let down, Brit leaving, or what but almost kinda tired, down and depressed some last nite. Maybe being a little older and realizing a little more than I used to consider has some to do with it. We talked alot last nite about everything. That is one of the strong points with Kim and I, we always talk, and we always pull together. I am really glad I have her beside me while going thru this.
We should finish most of classroom this week, and start driving next week. We are ready and anxious to get behind the wheel out on the road!
All day were keeping track of Brittany who was on her way to Air Force basic training. Swearing in at Des Moines, flying to San Antonio via Denver. Last contact with her was while she was waiting for her bags about 7:30 our time. From there I know she takes a bus to base, they feed the recruits, then line them up, call their names, and get them off to their respective Flights in the dorms. I remember it being a pretty unsettling night. I'm sure she got "rudely" awoken this morning.
Welcome to the Air Force Airman Basic Brittany Ray.
Went to school and had some classroom work on inspections. Then went out to the trucks to do a pretrip. While most of us were checking one truck, an instructor took Kim over to another for some one on one to help her with some of the names of things that required checking.
Back into class and listened to this one particular instructor "teach" us more about inspections and what to look for. We had a bit of an issue with this instructor, and was glad when the school director came in and finished the day (hmmm,,wonder how he knew?? :) ) Needless to say, we did not go back for the evening class. It suffices to say not everyone is cut out to teach, and maybe I am a little more critical or observant about it, because I have done it so much and automatically do not assume they know all. 'nuf said.
So we had a nice dinner at home, and relaxed for abit last nite. Don't know if it is starting to hit me, or just relaxed too much and felt a little let down, Brit leaving, or what but almost kinda tired, down and depressed some last nite. Maybe being a little older and realizing a little more than I used to consider has some to do with it. We talked alot last nite about everything. That is one of the strong points with Kim and I, we always talk, and we always pull together. I am really glad I have her beside me while going thru this.
We should finish most of classroom this week, and start driving next week. We are ready and anxious to get behind the wheel out on the road!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monday, and it's back to school. When we got there today, we started out discussing public/employer relations and watched a couple videos, then did the obligatory test. Any time we start discussing different subjects, the instructors are VERY good about telling stories. :) It does help keep it real world, they relate what has happened to them, making it more interesting and easier for especially the younger students to relate to.
After that section, we went out and did the pre-trip on the truck. Each student takes a portion of the truck. When we get tested for the State test, we will only be doing a portion as well, but no way of knowing which portion. By having us take turns, it gets us used to jumping in in the middle somewhere and "keep on trucking" down the inspection list. That's their story anyway. He has had me do the entire engine area the last couple of times. Kim has done the rest of the tractor and the trailor.
A quick break for dinner, home to let Shadow out and feed him, then back for the evening class. We had discussion and videos on shifting, different transmissions and shift patterns, hi/lo range and splitters, and backing. Kim is worried about the shifting part of driving. I keep telling her it just takes practice, just like learning to ride and shift the motorcycles. Now it's second nature. And by the way, that's why we are called STUDENTS at the moment! :)
Our instructor called the trucking company in St George, and talked to them for abit on our behalf. HE came back and told us to get our application in to them (we do it on the internet). They are looking to make sure they have the miles to support another team. That has me a little concerned, but at least they are being honest, and not hiring, THEN leave us somewhere because they don't have enough for us to do. Filled out the apps on line, and now see what happens.
Brittany has gone to MEPS for the nite, and goes in and enlists and off to basic training Tuesday.
Wow, my "baby" girl is going in the USAF. I still can remember my first experiences with the USAF vividly. WE are proud of her, but nervous as I guess any parent would be, especially in these days.
Keep your head up, mouth shut, and eyes forward Brittany, we love you!
After that section, we went out and did the pre-trip on the truck. Each student takes a portion of the truck. When we get tested for the State test, we will only be doing a portion as well, but no way of knowing which portion. By having us take turns, it gets us used to jumping in in the middle somewhere and "keep on trucking" down the inspection list. That's their story anyway. He has had me do the entire engine area the last couple of times. Kim has done the rest of the tractor and the trailor.
A quick break for dinner, home to let Shadow out and feed him, then back for the evening class. We had discussion and videos on shifting, different transmissions and shift patterns, hi/lo range and splitters, and backing. Kim is worried about the shifting part of driving. I keep telling her it just takes practice, just like learning to ride and shift the motorcycles. Now it's second nature. And by the way, that's why we are called STUDENTS at the moment! :)
Our instructor called the trucking company in St George, and talked to them for abit on our behalf. HE came back and told us to get our application in to them (we do it on the internet). They are looking to make sure they have the miles to support another team. That has me a little concerned, but at least they are being honest, and not hiring, THEN leave us somewhere because they don't have enough for us to do. Filled out the apps on line, and now see what happens.
Brittany has gone to MEPS for the nite, and goes in and enlists and off to basic training Tuesday.
Wow, my "baby" girl is going in the USAF. I still can remember my first experiences with the USAF vividly. WE are proud of her, but nervous as I guess any parent would be, especially in these days.
Keep your head up, mouth shut, and eyes forward Brittany, we love you!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Woke up this morning, had a good cup of coffee and Kim fixed muffins! No better way to start the day!
After I got out of the shower, I heard the little pat pat pat of rain on roof. We were planning on going to school to practice the pre-trips today. Oh well, guess we'll wear jackets and hats!
Got to school and another student was there also. He is from S. Africa. A little hard to understand at first, but his stories of lions and snakes in the jungle are really entertaining!
The 3 of us go to the truck and start doing pre-trip, while trying to put our backs to the wind and rain. BRRRRRRRR. It was too damm cold to be out there, but we will have to when we're on the road, so we did it anyway! Afterwards, we went back inside and had some of the coffee and hot choc the Dan, our instructor, had made. We decided once was enough today, and came home.
We are now sitting here, watching it try to SNOW! Nearly 80 yesterday, and it's trying to piss snow today. GRRRRR, too cold too fast.
I looked up the company Dan recommended to us, and it really sounded good, until I got to the part that required 2 years experience first. I told Dan this morning I found the site, but we'll have to get some experience first. He asked why, and I told him of the requirement. He just looked at me, smiled, and said nahhh, I'll make a phone call Monday! I think he likes us! :) He has also told me to get 3 years experience, then come back here and teach. He said with my background and personality, I'd fit right in, and have a job waiting if I want it! DAMN, haven't started driving yet! We have hit it off pretty good, he is into sports cars, and knows of SCCA and Spec Racers that I used to drive, he has a pilot licence but no longer current, like me, and likes motorhomes, motorcycles, etc. Kim calls him my long lost brother!
There is more snow coming down again,,,,BRRRRRRR
After I got out of the shower, I heard the little pat pat pat of rain on roof. We were planning on going to school to practice the pre-trips today. Oh well, guess we'll wear jackets and hats!
Got to school and another student was there also. He is from S. Africa. A little hard to understand at first, but his stories of lions and snakes in the jungle are really entertaining!
The 3 of us go to the truck and start doing pre-trip, while trying to put our backs to the wind and rain. BRRRRRRRR. It was too damm cold to be out there, but we will have to when we're on the road, so we did it anyway! Afterwards, we went back inside and had some of the coffee and hot choc the Dan, our instructor, had made. We decided once was enough today, and came home.
We are now sitting here, watching it try to SNOW! Nearly 80 yesterday, and it's trying to piss snow today. GRRRRR, too cold too fast.
I looked up the company Dan recommended to us, and it really sounded good, until I got to the part that required 2 years experience first. I told Dan this morning I found the site, but we'll have to get some experience first. He asked why, and I told him of the requirement. He just looked at me, smiled, and said nahhh, I'll make a phone call Monday! I think he likes us! :) He has also told me to get 3 years experience, then come back here and teach. He said with my background and personality, I'd fit right in, and have a job waiting if I want it! DAMN, haven't started driving yet! We have hit it off pretty good, he is into sports cars, and knows of SCCA and Spec Racers that I used to drive, he has a pilot licence but no longer current, like me, and likes motorhomes, motorcycles, etc. Kim calls him my long lost brother!
There is more snow coming down again,,,,BRRRRRRR
Friday, September 28, 2007
Day 8 of class
Today was kinda kick back day. Heard alot of stories, (lessons learned), did some of the classroom training on Drug Alchohol awareness, then had the recruiter from Gordon Trucking come in. Was supposed to be there at noon with pizza. Office manager called her at 12:15. She forgot, called in for the pizza and came over about 1pm. Gordon is actually alot like Interstate, family run, take care of drivers and teams a little better than average, and pay is comparable, but they have a strict no pet policy, so that eliminated them for us. Pizza was good tho! :)
More stories after lunch, untill Werner came at 3pm. That company is just a No for us. Low pay, too big, etc.
Dinner time we had to make a run to the store to take in a bike, then stop by and let Shadow out for a couple min, then back to school. We did Railroad crossing and hazard awareness tonite. By the way, after each section of classroom, we have to complete a test. So far so good!
The real fun came this afternoon. The needed to swap trailers between two units. I was first, instructor had me pull the release for first trailer, then get in and pull tractor out. After that he got in with me , and we made a little loop up and down the street. Shifted up, but kinda popped the clutch out a little hard. Everyone got a turn at this. Kim got some extra driving time cause the instructor scared the caca out of her the other day when went to start the truck for the first time, he yelled BOOOO just as she turned the key on. SOOOO FUNNY! So he felt he owed her!!
When everyone was done doing the loop, he had me back the tractor up to the other other trailer, I was off about a tire width first try, pulled up and back up right in line!!! Then he had Kim get in, and finish backing under and hooking up the trailer. The other 3 guys must've been thinking "teachers pets!" Oh well! We are really progressing faster than most there, and will start our drives next week, backing practice, shifting, etc.
The school here is really good for us. Great guys, good sence of humor, and will work with our schedule whatever that is.
We are going to meet one at the school tomorrow morning to get a little more practice on our pre trip inspections. He has to be there to do some work on a couple of the rigs.
He also recommended we look a company out of St George he used to drive for. They only have about 60 trucks so they know drivers by name instead of a number. VERY little turnover. He said they do have some teams, they run all 48 states with them, and thought it would be a good company for us. We'll take a look.
More stories after lunch, untill Werner came at 3pm. That company is just a No for us. Low pay, too big, etc.
Dinner time we had to make a run to the store to take in a bike, then stop by and let Shadow out for a couple min, then back to school. We did Railroad crossing and hazard awareness tonite. By the way, after each section of classroom, we have to complete a test. So far so good!
The real fun came this afternoon. The needed to swap trailers between two units. I was first, instructor had me pull the release for first trailer, then get in and pull tractor out. After that he got in with me , and we made a little loop up and down the street. Shifted up, but kinda popped the clutch out a little hard. Everyone got a turn at this. Kim got some extra driving time cause the instructor scared the caca out of her the other day when went to start the truck for the first time, he yelled BOOOO just as she turned the key on. SOOOO FUNNY! So he felt he owed her!!
When everyone was done doing the loop, he had me back the tractor up to the other other trailer, I was off about a tire width first try, pulled up and back up right in line!!! Then he had Kim get in, and finish backing under and hooking up the trailer. The other 3 guys must've been thinking "teachers pets!" Oh well! We are really progressing faster than most there, and will start our drives next week, backing practice, shifting, etc.
The school here is really good for us. Great guys, good sence of humor, and will work with our schedule whatever that is.
We are going to meet one at the school tomorrow morning to get a little more practice on our pre trip inspections. He has to be there to do some work on a couple of the rigs.
He also recommended we look a company out of St George he used to drive for. They only have about 60 trucks so they know drivers by name instead of a number. VERY little turnover. He said they do have some teams, they run all 48 states with them, and thought it would be a good company for us. We'll take a look.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Catch up day
Today started by sitting for an hour in the Social Security office. I somehow lost my original card I had since I was 15 or so. I had it up until just recently.
After that a nice breakfast at a diner, then off to the store. Made some calls, and Kim got the goldwing out. Its really nice today and tomorrow, but supposed to turn cold and rainey Saturday.
Went to school and had some class work on dock safety and cargo loads, documentation, etc.
We had to leave a little early for a dinner break to go put out a bike. Came back to find out we were the only ones in the nite class there. We are really ahead of schedule, so we gave the instructor a nite off! :)
Tomorrow we are going in the morning for an all day session. We are also scheduled to have a recruiter from Gordon coming at lunch bringing us Pizza. At 3 Werner recruiter is supposed to visit.
Tonite is a nite off school, so Kim gets to watch her Suvivor.
After that a nice breakfast at a diner, then off to the store. Made some calls, and Kim got the goldwing out. Its really nice today and tomorrow, but supposed to turn cold and rainey Saturday.
Went to school and had some class work on dock safety and cargo loads, documentation, etc.
We had to leave a little early for a dinner break to go put out a bike. Came back to find out we were the only ones in the nite class there. We are really ahead of schedule, so we gave the instructor a nite off! :)
Tomorrow we are going in the morning for an all day session. We are also scheduled to have a recruiter from Gordon coming at lunch bringing us Pizza. At 3 Werner recruiter is supposed to visit.
Tonite is a nite off school, so Kim gets to watch her Suvivor.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
"I Drove a Truck"
Well, it had to happen one day!!! Kim drove a truck today! Well, actually she started it, shifted into 1st, then eased out the clutch just enough to check that parking brakes (tractor then trailer)held, and then eased it forward and checked normal brakes. "I drove a truck, well a few inches anyway!"
That was part of the pre-trip inspection we did today. Afterward we in and did some more work on preventive maintenance, and took a test on it. Then after our quick dinner break, we had a session on trip planning. Kim keeps telling me I spoiled her in that department. I always looked it up planned the route, breaks, fuel, etc. Now she has to know how to do it. We will really be a good team.
That was part of the pre-trip inspection we did today. Afterward we in and did some more work on preventive maintenance, and took a test on it. Then after our quick dinner break, we had a session on trip planning. Kim keeps telling me I spoiled her in that department. I always looked it up planned the route, breaks, fuel, etc. Now she has to know how to do it. We will really be a good team.
Back to School!
Well, after a quiet weekend, we got back to it today. Kim started the day by going to DMV and retaking her Hazmat test. The studying paid off, and she passed with a 90! (shhhhh,,she did better than me on that one! :)
I am now leaving work around 12:30 so we can be at school at 1pm to put in a full school day. We started off with watching a preflight then got in the cab and watched the brake tests done. Next time, we have to do it hands on! Then it was on the videos on Brakes, Differentials, and Preventive Maintenance. After a quick dinner break, we went back out to the truck and adjusted the brakes. Most tractors have automatic adjusters now, but there are still many trailers with manual adjusters around. Kim got under there adjusted some and even got abit greasy! :)
Not sure what today will bring, other than doing the preflights. Also a recruiter from a local company that has a contract with FedEx is supposed to be in sometime.
Till next time:
I am now leaving work around 12:30 so we can be at school at 1pm to put in a full school day. We started off with watching a preflight then got in the cab and watched the brake tests done. Next time, we have to do it hands on! Then it was on the videos on Brakes, Differentials, and Preventive Maintenance. After a quick dinner break, we went back out to the truck and adjusted the brakes. Most tractors have automatic adjusters now, but there are still many trailers with manual adjusters around. Kim got under there adjusted some and even got abit greasy! :)
Not sure what today will bring, other than doing the preflights. Also a recruiter from a local company that has a contract with FedEx is supposed to be in sometime.
Till next time:
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Weekend off
We had a kinda quiet weekend. No bikes to put out or back till 5pm tonite. It has also cooled off alot (60's now) and been raining off and on all weekend. Sitting here now listening to the rain on the roof and watching the Cowboys and Bears play while surfing some of the trucking forms I have lived on for the past several months. I have learned sooo much and think we are so much farther ahead of the game by researching and reading these forums. People in the trucking world, all different companie, good, bad, ugly, etc. You have a question, just ask, someone has an answer. Between that and studying the CDL study guide for a couple months before school, it really gave us a jump start when we did start Wed. We seem to know sooo much more about things in general, good companies, bad ones, and about the course subjects than the other students. (ok, enuf blowing our own horn)
Kim has been studying for the retest on the Hazmat, and I have done some of the workbook we have to do.
We are actually really enjoying being in the motorhome. No claustraphobia at all! :)
Kinda nice and cozy, not a lot of area to keep clean, and we have enough room. Its about 1 mile to work, and only about 5 mi south to the store. Our school is about 4 miles to the north, so it is really convienent here.
Guess thats about it for the weekend update. I will try to update this a little more often now as things are really starting to progress. Looking forward to tell of our driving experiences.
Kim has been studying for the retest on the Hazmat, and I have done some of the workbook we have to do.
We are actually really enjoying being in the motorhome. No claustraphobia at all! :)
Kinda nice and cozy, not a lot of area to keep clean, and we have enough room. Its about 1 mile to work, and only about 5 mi south to the store. Our school is about 4 miles to the north, so it is really convienent here.
Guess thats about it for the weekend update. I will try to update this a little more often now as things are really starting to progress. Looking forward to tell of our driving experiences.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
We have had several changes to our plans. With the buy out of CFI by Conway, and Conway folding its over the road division into Cfi, we decided against CFI at the moment. CFI seems abit overwhelmed at the moment with more drivers than they can efficiently handle. A lot of sitting by drivers waiting on loads, planning, etc. So we'll let the dust settle there for awhile and look at them again at a later date if we need to.
With that change, it also changed our school plans. There is SAGE Tech here in Salt Lake. They have schools all over the country and their program is very well respected. Their big advantage is when driving starts, it is one on one in the truck. Most other schools will put up to 4 or 5 in the truck and go out for 4-5 hours. You get an hour actually driving, but log the 4 or 5. With Sage when you go out for a 4 hour drive, you drive 4 hours. Seems like alot better training.
By going with SAGE here while we are still working, we will be able to complete our school by Nov when we leave here. That is a BIG plus for us, as we won't have a month and a half without any income.
We are now thinking we will be going with Interstate Dist co after school (if they hire us), based in Tacoma Washington. They are geared for team drivers, and seem to really take good care of their drivers. The trucks they have already have a fridge in them, an inverter (for 110V for coffee makers, tv, computer, etc) and an onboard APU (generator) so we won't have to always idle the truck for AC and heat and power. Many places now have anti-idling laws and more are going that way all the time.
We called SAGE Wed. morning about starting and was told to go get our DOT physicals and a medical clinic they recommended. The ed clinic bills Sage, and it is part of tuition.
Well, we made it to school Wed nite with DOT physicals in hand. We did the general knowledge in class wed nit, took 2 pretest. I aced both, Kim is running about a 95 average, so we're starting out pretty good.I took a coupe of sick days, (cough, cough) and we spent all day Thurs in school. Did classes on air brakes, tractor/trailer combinations, tankers, doubles/triples, and hazmat. 2 pretests from each section. So far I have a perfect record, and Kim is still running about a 95 average, she aced a couple also, so we're still doin good!
We went to DMV this morning and took the state written tests. We had to do General knowledge, air brakes, and combinations to get our learner permits. Both of us got it first try. Then we took some endorsement tests for doubles/triples, tankers, and hazmat, I got all 3, Kim missed the hazmat, but will take it again Monday.We were surprised to learn that regular stuff like perfume, milk, some teas, etc, are considered hazmat. More and more stuff is, and they pay extra to haul hazmat. Most companies do not require it, but it is good to have the capability.This afternoon we had a class on preflights (errr, I mean pre-trip), and hours of service. Monday we start class on trip planning.Everything is going well. We're anxious to get thru some more of the classroom stuff so we can start driving. That should be around the 1st part of Oct.
With that change, it also changed our school plans. There is SAGE Tech here in Salt Lake. They have schools all over the country and their program is very well respected. Their big advantage is when driving starts, it is one on one in the truck. Most other schools will put up to 4 or 5 in the truck and go out for 4-5 hours. You get an hour actually driving, but log the 4 or 5. With Sage when you go out for a 4 hour drive, you drive 4 hours. Seems like alot better training.
By going with SAGE here while we are still working, we will be able to complete our school by Nov when we leave here. That is a BIG plus for us, as we won't have a month and a half without any income.
We are now thinking we will be going with Interstate Dist co after school (if they hire us), based in Tacoma Washington. They are geared for team drivers, and seem to really take good care of their drivers. The trucks they have already have a fridge in them, an inverter (for 110V for coffee makers, tv, computer, etc) and an onboard APU (generator) so we won't have to always idle the truck for AC and heat and power. Many places now have anti-idling laws and more are going that way all the time.
We called SAGE Wed. morning about starting and was told to go get our DOT physicals and a medical clinic they recommended. The ed clinic bills Sage, and it is part of tuition.
Well, we made it to school Wed nite with DOT physicals in hand. We did the general knowledge in class wed nit, took 2 pretest. I aced both, Kim is running about a 95 average, so we're starting out pretty good.I took a coupe of sick days, (cough, cough) and we spent all day Thurs in school. Did classes on air brakes, tractor/trailer combinations, tankers, doubles/triples, and hazmat. 2 pretests from each section. So far I have a perfect record, and Kim is still running about a 95 average, she aced a couple also, so we're still doin good!
We went to DMV this morning and took the state written tests. We had to do General knowledge, air brakes, and combinations to get our learner permits. Both of us got it first try. Then we took some endorsement tests for doubles/triples, tankers, and hazmat, I got all 3, Kim missed the hazmat, but will take it again Monday.We were surprised to learn that regular stuff like perfume, milk, some teas, etc, are considered hazmat. More and more stuff is, and they pay extra to haul hazmat. Most companies do not require it, but it is good to have the capability.This afternoon we had a class on preflights (errr, I mean pre-trip), and hours of service. Monday we start class on trip planning.Everything is going well. We're anxious to get thru some more of the classroom stuff so we can start driving. That should be around the 1st part of Oct.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Step 3!
Well, several things have happened this week.
First, Brittany has joined the USAF! She went to MEPS for testing and physical on Wed, and went on delayed enlistment. I guess they now have a job for her, and a ship date of 2 Oct to Basic Training in San Antonio!
Greg and Lisa have taken over the house, and have a roommate to help with rent. Kim and I decided it would be less stressful for us just not to know what is going on around there, so we will be moving into the local KOA today. Besides, we will have full hook-ups there and make it a little easier. It is only a mile or two to my work and maybe 5 to the store, so makes it more convienent as well.
Step 1 was moving into the motorhome, step 2 was telling my boss I was quiting FSI. That was a little nerve wracking. But everyone is good with it. Step 3 is getting away from the house. We plan on being there until the first week in Nov.
We need to figure out what we need to do with our bikes next. Either take them to Phoenix if he wants to work with us there, or get them up for sale.
Still don't know if I am going to the Maint. Mgr Conference in Tulsa next month, but kinda doubt it. Waiting for my boss to decide if he wants someone from here to go or not.
First, Brittany has joined the USAF! She went to MEPS for testing and physical on Wed, and went on delayed enlistment. I guess they now have a job for her, and a ship date of 2 Oct to Basic Training in San Antonio!
Greg and Lisa have taken over the house, and have a roommate to help with rent. Kim and I decided it would be less stressful for us just not to know what is going on around there, so we will be moving into the local KOA today. Besides, we will have full hook-ups there and make it a little easier. It is only a mile or two to my work and maybe 5 to the store, so makes it more convienent as well.
Step 1 was moving into the motorhome, step 2 was telling my boss I was quiting FSI. That was a little nerve wracking. But everyone is good with it. Step 3 is getting away from the house. We plan on being there until the first week in Nov.
We need to figure out what we need to do with our bikes next. Either take them to Phoenix if he wants to work with us there, or get them up for sale.
Still don't know if I am going to the Maint. Mgr Conference in Tulsa next month, but kinda doubt it. Waiting for my boss to decide if he wants someone from here to go or not.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Ride day

Well, today Kim and I were supposed to go for a ride with Bryan and Nancy Fahrenback, but rain in their neck of the woods and Bryan not feeling to well put a kabosh on that idea. Kim and I decided to go anyway. We went up Big and Little Cottonwood canyons. These are just outside the southeast corner of Salt Lake, are only about 15mi up each canyon to ski resorts at the top. This is where Kim got her first riding experience in the mountains. From there we headed around the south side of town to Sandy and had a really nice lunch at Applebe's. Wierd, it started raining JUST as we stopped at the resturaunt!
Afterwards, we went on around the city with via a road near the Bingham Copper Mine. This was where Kim got her first riding out on the streets because of lack of traffic. Beautiful view of the city from there.
Took the bikes back to the shop and came home. It was a really nice and relaxing ride, and almost felt like a farewell ride to "our area".
As far as moving out of the house, its complete now. We finished getting the bedroom and our closet cleared out yesterday. I guess Greg moved their stuff in last nite.
The motorhome is abit crowed and cluttered right now. We need to spend some time out here and get things put away. This will definately be a "everything has it's place" type of living.
It is soooo nice to have 3 days off here this weekend. Will make ice cream tomorrow. Kim is going to try something different with mint chocolate chip. We'll see:)
Afterwards, we went on around the city with via a road near the Bingham Copper Mine. This was where Kim got her first riding out on the streets because of lack of traffic. Beautiful view of the city from there.
Took the bikes back to the shop and came home. It was a really nice and relaxing ride, and almost felt like a farewell ride to "our area".
As far as moving out of the house, its complete now. We finished getting the bedroom and our closet cleared out yesterday. I guess Greg moved their stuff in last nite.
The motorhome is abit crowed and cluttered right now. We need to spend some time out here and get things put away. This will definately be a "everything has it's place" type of living.
It is soooo nice to have 3 days off here this weekend. Will make ice cream tomorrow. Kim is going to try something different with mint chocolate chip. We'll see:)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
First Step
I guess we can say the first step in this change of careers has already happened. Last Friday (24 Aug 07) we moved from the house into our RV full-time. It is still beside the house connected to the electricity and water. Son Greg and fiance' Lisa will rent the house for the first year we are doing this. If all works as planned, we will sell the house then.
Sooooo, all weekend and this week has been moving our stuff the basement or out to the motorhome (or in a trash bag. WOW the things you accumulate!). We still have some more to go in the bedroom, but most of the house is clear of the stuff we will keep.
Next step is turning off internet at the house and getting an aircard for the laptop. We will be able to access the internet as long as there is cell service in the area as one means of staying in touch with everyone, as well as our cell phones. Things have changed alot since the days my parents went on the road full time for Foretravel Motorcade.
I will be talking with my boss next week and un-officially giving my notice because the time frame that I need to do that is right at the time of the managers conference in Tulsa. Need to find out if he still wants me to go.
Our driving school is due to start on Nov 14 and if I counted right, should graduate about Dec 18.
Will try to keep this updated as we go down this road!
Sooooo, all weekend and this week has been moving our stuff the basement or out to the motorhome (or in a trash bag. WOW the things you accumulate!). We still have some more to go in the bedroom, but most of the house is clear of the stuff we will keep.
Next step is turning off internet at the house and getting an aircard for the laptop. We will be able to access the internet as long as there is cell service in the area as one means of staying in touch with everyone, as well as our cell phones. Things have changed alot since the days my parents went on the road full time for Foretravel Motorcade.
I will be talking with my boss next week and un-officially giving my notice because the time frame that I need to do that is right at the time of the managers conference in Tulsa. Need to find out if he still wants me to go.
Our driving school is due to start on Nov 14 and if I counted right, should graduate about Dec 18.
Will try to keep this updated as we go down this road!
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